Chapter Two

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Marco walked up a flight of stairs to his bedroom. The school day had finally finished and all the students were free to do whatever they wanted for a couple of hours.
Some guys had gone out to the Arcade and a few girls had gone shopping, Alfonzo and Ferguson had gone off together to 'finalise' the overall winner of the poll, they had invited Marco, but he had declined. He wasn't really interested about which girl was the best in his class, because Marco already knew that Jackie was the only one for him.
Plus, the girls would totally flip when they found out a poll had been taken without their permisson.
So, like his nickname suggests, Marco avoided that iminent danger and retreated to the safety of his room.

Marco's room was spacious enough to fit two people inside of it, but since his original roommate never showed up; Marco was left alone.
This wasn't neccersarily a bad thing though, because the bruenette enjoyed his own space quite a lot.
Marco unlocked the door to his room using a card key and threw his black skater rucksack in the corner of his room, not really caring where it landed, he flopped onto his bed and groaned, tiredly.
"Oh bed...How I've missed you..." he mumbled into the duvet, before clammbering underneath it.
Usually, Marco always slept after school, so that the day would go by quicker. After school hours always went by really slowly for Marco, so he'd countered this by just falling asleep until dinner.
He glanced at his digital clock to find out it was 16:20. Usually, Marco would be out cold by this time, but today proved to be a little more challenging.
'That SB person is really bugging me...' Marco thought, as he sat up. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to Google her...'

The bruenette got up out of bed and wandered over to his desk, where a slim black laptop was waiting for him. He started it up and clicked on the Google icon, before typing in the popstar's name.
"S...B...annnddd search!" Marco said, watching the results page load.
The famous search engine had come up with a list of random companies that carried the initials, SB...
Marco simply sighed and selected the 'Did you mean: SB popstar?' option, taking him to Wikpedia page.
The first thing he saw was a picture of a girl with long blue hair and glowing green eyes, she seemed to be standing on a stage; because of all the bright floodlights in the picture.
"SB is a popstar from an unknown country, who rose to popluarity from her Youtube music video, 'I'm From Another Dimension'" Marco read aloud. "She's from an unknown country? Does nobody find that a little odd?"
The bruenette noticed that it was possible to contact the popstar via email. He felt like doing it, but then again what were the chances of her answering his message out of the millions and billion pieces of fan-mail that she got daily? Plus, what would he even say?
Marco closed the lid of his computer and walked back to his bed.
"Guess I'll just go to sleep" he mumbled, as collapsed on top of his tidy, well-made bed and into a deep slumber.

Marco was awakened by the notification sound of his laptop.
It looked like he'd just recieved an email.
The bruenette sleepwalked over to his computer and opened it up.
Only to see an email staring right back at him on his desktop.
It was titled 'Hello there!' and it seemed completely over-friendly.
Half-asleep, Marco went to delete the message and block the sender, but halted his actions when he saw the name.
"SB?" He mumbled, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "Why's she messaging me?"
The Safe Kid opened up the email and slowly read it:

Hi! I saw your profile online and you seemed like an interesting person, so I messaged you! Wanna chat for a while?

Marco quickly, but carefully typed back a response and an answer from SB came almost a moment after he sent it.

Marco: Sure :) So, are you the real SB?

SB: LOL :) Everybody mistakes me for her! No, my username is the same as my embarassing nickname, which just so happens to be the same name that SB has. My real name's Star by the way.

Marco: Oh, sorry about that! My name's Marco. I see that you have an embarassing nickname too...

Star: You as well? Do you mind telling ne how you got it?

Marco: Well...I don"t know about that...

Star: Awww, C'mon Marco! Pleeeassse?

Marco: Okay then...

And that was how Marco began talking to Star, a girl behind a screen; who was just easy to talk and open up to. He found that Star was understanding and fun too. Marco also knew that Star could actually be some crusty old guy behind a screen, but he never got that feel from her, the girl felt geniune and besides, Marco found himself actually enjoying and treasuring their conversation together, the bruenette even felt like he knew a little bit more about Star...

But Marco had only just scratched the surface of her true identidy...

The Princesess I Found On The Internet {A StarCo Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now