Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Say, Marco?" Star began, as the couple returned to Room 23 later the same day.
"Yeah, Star?" The bruenette replied, unlocking the door to their bedroom by swiping the card key in the lock and then leading the blond inside.
"It's a little quiet, don't you think?"
"Yeah, probably because Sear isn't around"
"Do you think she'll be okay, though? She was acting kind of weird earlier"
"She'll be fine! Sear's a strong person after all!"
"Yeah...Yeah, I guess you're right! What was I even worrying about in the first place?"
Marco gently planted a kiss on the blond's forehead, whilst smiling his signature smile.
"You see? She'll be fine!" the bruenette said, reassuringly and taking Star's bag and hanging it up on a peg.
Whilst the bruenette busied himself with that task, the blond walked over to the kitchen and put one of her favourite strawberry poptarts in the toaster.

"So, uhm...Since Sear's going to be gone for quite a while, I was hoping..." Star began, drawing small circles on the floor with her left foot.
"Hoping? For what exactly?" Marco asked, walking over to his beautiful princesses.
"We only just did it last week and you've already forgotten?"
"D-Done what?"
"You said that it was soft and really wet, Marco...D-Don't you remember?"
"W-Wet?!? I don't remember saying anything like that!"
"Really? But I heard it with my own ears! You were like: Wow Star, it's really soft and wet. Let me help you out with that" Princesses Butterfly claimed, adopting a poor imitation of Marco's voice.
'Were we at a party that day? Was I drunk? Did I eat something weird?' The bruenette asked himself, frantically.
" look really stressed out, Marco. I was only talking about my hair, you know"
"Yeah. You took care of my hair last week after we got caught up in a rainstorm, so I was hoping that you could do it again..."
The Safe Kid breathed a sigh of relief, as he realised the truth. The bruenette made another mental sidenote about trying to supress his imaginaton a little and to not be uneccersarily swayed by Star's words!
"Yeah, sure. I'll fix it up for you" the Safe Kid replied, as the blond handed him her pink brush and comb, with an excited smile on plastered on her face. Both of the items were peppered with bright, yellow stars too, which the bruenette found very Star-like!

Marco sat down on his bed with his back against the wall, whilst Star made herself comfortable by sitting on his lap.
The bruenette gently grasped a lock of Star's golden mane and slowly started to comb through it a couple of times; whenever he came across a knot, the Safe Kid would run his fingers through her hair, gently undoing the knot.
Once he had finished getting all the various tangles out of Star's hair, Marco then moved onto using Star's soft-bristle brush, stroking her hair with extreme care and delicacy.
The princesses occasionally let out a sigh of comfort, whenever Marco reached a certain speed of brushing.
However, the bruenette was finding it pretty hard to do Star's hair, because of the sounds she was letting out! Plus, with Marco sitting so close to his roommate, it didn't really help the situation at all! In fact, it only made it more complicated!
The bruenette had been trying to supress his lustful desires this past 60 minutes, but he was finally at his limit...I mean, his beautiful blond girlfriend was sitting on his lap...

"Hey, Marco? Something's hitting me..." Star said, noticing something poking at her behind.
She turned around to look at her blushing boyfriend, who seemed to be really ashamed of something...
"I-I'm sorry, Star...I just couldn't help myself..." he mumbled, not making eye-contact with his lover.
It took her a few seconds to realise the situation, before she followed suit and blushed as well.
"U-Uhm...I-It's okay, Marco...I know that you couldn't help it..." the princesses stammered, nervously. "I-It just means that I make you excited, right?"
Marco just nodded, shyly. He wanted to speak, but the words refused to form in his mouth! Plus, the bruenette was beginning to focus more on Star's soft, pink lips, rather than the actual words coming out of them!
They looked into one another's eyes, sensing the same desire for each other.
Star slowly shifted herself around, so that now she was actually facing Marco now, both of their faces were now so close that their noses were touching in an eskimo kiss!

Star smiled and quickly kissed Marco on the lips, inviting him.
The bruenette took the invitation more than happily, returning her kiss, with a longer and much more deeper one than before!
The couple happily indulged in one another, completely oblivious to the everything else apart from each other.
But maybe they should've checked that the door was locked properly first...

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