Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Marco! Pass!" Star shouted, as she knocked a blue and white striped volleyball towards the Safe Kid.
"Okay! I've got it!" The bruenette replied, darting up the beach to the volleyball, before leaping up into the air and smacking it over the net!
"Like I'd let you do that!" Alfonzo cried, jumping up to counter the ball, knocking it high into the air.
"Good set-up, bro! Leave the rest to me!" Ferguson shouted, hitting the ball back from where it came!
Marco and Star could only watch from afar as the volleyball smashed into the sand!
"Hahaha! Spike! We win again!" Marco's redhead friend laughed, victorsly.
The bruenette smiled, as he picked up the ball, breathing heavily.
"Man, you guys are pretty lethal together, aren't you?" He observed, tossing and catching the ball.
"You know it! Round 2?" Alfonzo asked, plopping down on the sand.
"Nah, I'm good...Star? You up for another match?"
"Course! Why wouldn't I be?" She replied, excitedly.
"Seriously...I don't know where you get that infinte amount of energy from!"
Star bounded over and smiled, happily as she embraced Marco, tightly.
"Neither do I, but I do know that old grandpas like you should just sit out, before you hurt your back" she grinned, kissing Marco's right cheek.
"Okay, If you say so..." the bruenette smiled, putting on an elderly person's voice, which made Star giggle; he then kissed her back, before going to sit down next to Sear, who was guarding their beach towels and bags.

"You don't have a lot of stamina, do you Marco?" Sear asked, as the bruenette sat down next to her.
"Nope, but playing beach volleyball was fun! You should go and play, Sear. Star's kinda getting thrashed out there!' He replied, smiling.
"Oh I'd like to, but I'm not too good at stuff like that, y'see..."
"Oh, I get you. Still, I thought that you would've worn something a little more...daring...Since, y'know...that's sort of your style"
"Aw, I knew it! It's too normal! I should've gone with the string bikini after all!"
"S-String bikini? You mean that you would've worn just a string to the beach?!?"
"Yeah...Maybe I should go and change into it now?"
"N-No! You look beautiful right now, so there's no need to change, o-okay? I mean, it's not like you don't look beautiful all the time, Sear!"
"Y-Yeah, thanks..."
Sear sat back down, as a dark, red blush crept across her cheeks.
'What was that feeling just now?' The blond thought, as she felt her heart throb. 'Usually, it's my job to make Marco blush and act like a lovesick puppy, but this time he did it to me...'
She slowly twirled a lock of her golden mane around her index finger, looking around, trying to find something to distract hersslf from this new feeling.
Her brilliant blue eyes caught the bottle of sunscreen poking out from Marco's bag.

"Hey Marco~...?" Sear began, reaching over and grabbing the bottle. "Put some sunscreen on me?"
"H-Huh? You want me to do what?" The Safe Kid replied, blushing like crazy.
"Please, Marco? I can't reach my back!"
"But that would be..."
'Oh geez...Sear's totally using the same pleading face Star does..' the bruenette thought, as he cast his eyes upon his main weakness and fell prey to the blond's captivating look and poured a generous amount of the wet, slick oil into his palms, lubricating them.
Sear, who was seriously over the moon about this, lay on her front on top of her beach towel; humming a happy tune.
"O-Okay...Here I come Sear..." the Safe Kid gulped, as he gently placed his cold, wet hands made contact with her soft skin...

"Stop right there!"

'Star? Wasn't she meant to be playing volleyball with the guys?' Marco thought, recognising the blond's voice as the princess walked over to him.
She placed her face inches away from the bruenette's and stared straight at him for a couple of seconds with one of her rarely used serious expressions.
Marco visibly gulped, as Star gently took one of his wet, sunscreen-covered hands in her own.
"If you're going to do Sear, you have to do it me too. P-Please put some lotion on me, Marco..." she said, shyly.
The bruenette couldn't beleive this was happening and neither could Sear!
"Sorry, but I caught onto your plan ages ago!" Star announced, confidently to her twin.
"H-How?" Her doppleganger asked, somewhat interested to hear her explanation.
"We're the same person! I can tell what you're thinking!"
"O-Oh yeah...I totally forgot about that..."
"Hehehe! I win! 1 point to me! Okay, I'm ready now, Marco!"
The Safe Kid had literally no idea what had just happened, but everything seemed okay, so he just went with the flow!

A black car pulled up outside of the beach's hotel, just as Toffee opened the car door and stepped out into the warm sunlight.

"Heh. If you thought that you could run away from me, you're very much mistaken, Butterfly!" He chuckled, putting on his black-tinted sunglasses.

Sup guys! :)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Just out of pure interest who's team are you on? Star's or Sear's?
I actually support them both!

Tell me in the comments section!

Okay, well see you in the next chapter! :)

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