Chapter Thirty

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About two weeks had passed since the whole Tom incident and things were finally getting back into their normal swing, well normal as they could get...The redhead had decided to quit Echo Creek High for good and just in time too, because the ultimate headache for all of the students at ECH had just ended...


The last couple of exams for the students before summer vacation, which had only seemed like a distant dream to Star! The students that passed were free to go and enjoy their summer and the ones who failed were forced to go to two weeks of remidal classes.
Thankfully, the exams had already taken place about two days ago and the school was awaiting their results, so not a lot of learning was going on, especially in Marco's classroom!
"Ugh...I'm so nervous about the test results..." Star said, as she lay her head on the Safe Kid's desk.
Sear patted her twin's head, sympathetically.
"You'll be fine, Star! Or at least I think you will be..." she said, as Ferguson and Alfonzo exchanged skeptical looks.
Marco chuckled fondly, as his friends began soothing Star.
The bruenette knew he had nothing to worry about concerning test results, he was a A* student after all!

Around that point in time, Skullnick walked into the classroom, her usual scowl plastered onto her face; bit with some suprising news.
"Alright, listen up, you brats!" She exclaimed, rudely in her usual pleasant tone. "I've got something important to tell you all!"
For once, the students of her class stopped messing about and listened to her.
"The school is broke (again) and we need to help raise some money for it, so we need some ideas!" The teacher said, simply. "Oh and this will also be a competition between all the classes with a prize at the end; so make sure you work hard if want to win!"
A couple of basic ideas floated around the classroom, like doing a sponsered run or going a whole day without speaking.
Skullnick brushed them off, like they were nothing, hoping to find an idea which was doable and interesting at the same time.
She saw Sear raise her hand up, paired with a strange smile on her face.
Skullnick sighed and picked the blond, knowing that she was in for one hell of an answer.
"How about a Maid Cafe?"
"A what cafe?"
"A cafe in which everybody dresses up as maids and butlers and serves the customers! Trust me, it'll work!"
"The person I trust the least is you..."
"Well, whatever. It's not like it's my loss anyways"

And so, Skullnick left the class and gave Sear the job of planning out the whole event; which may have been a regrettable mistake...
Star's twin wrote 'Costumes!!!' in big block capitals in black whiteboard pen on the board and pointed at it.
"Okay, everybody! Costumes are probably the one of the most important asset of this whole cafe! Especially for the girls!" She said, actually getting serious for once.
"The hem of the dress should be just a little over knee-length and the entire outfit should be ALWAYS be one size smaller than you actually are!"
"Why? Wouldn't the hem be riding too high up then and wouldn't the dress too tight?" Jackie pointed out.
"Exactly, that's the whole point! Listen up everybody! The customers won't only come to eat good food at our cafe, they'll also come to see the maid uniforms that all the girls will be wearing!" Sear said, getting really pumped up now.
The class went silent for a few seconds, before somebody spoke up.

"So, basically...You're just a pervert then, Sear?" They said, simply.
"Well, yes, I suppose; but this isn't about for me! This is all for the customers!" The blond replied, excitedly. "Now, sit tight. I'm still not done explaining things!"
The class groaned in dissapointment, as Sear continued her lecture late into the afternoon...

One thing was for certain though...
This was going to be one interesting competition!

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