Chapter Nine

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The following afternoon, another day of classes had come to an end at Echo Creek High Boarding School and Marco had an important date.
Date as in a meet-up and not in the romantic sense. Even though the bruenette had wished several times over that Jackie would just walk over and him out on a date!

Diaz picked up his rucksack and headed out of the class, eager to try and be on time for his date. So, naturally; the bruenette didn't noticed Star get up and follow him.
The princesses was feeling playful, so she stalked her roomate, stealthily; planning to jumpscare him at the last possible second.
It was an ingenius plan and it probably would've worked too, if Star knew where her target had gone...
The blond stood around in the long hallways, looking about totally lost. Star wasn't sure when she'd lost sight of Marco, but she was certain that he could win an award for being the world's quickest walker!
'I guess I should just head back to our room...' the blond thought, taking a left, guessing the location on Room 23.
This route was blatantly wrong, but Star decided that it would be sort of fun to walk around and explore for a while.
"I mean, new places are meant to be explored, right?" Star said to herself, happily; strolling down the long winding corridor.

The princesses wandered around, like this for a while; enjoying this relaxing walk.
Well, that was until something piqued her interest.

And lots of it!

The voices were mainly gruff and Star couldn't really make out what they were saying; but the voices definetly sounded mad.
The blond walked catiously, towards the source of the sound and found herself standing in front of a room of some sort.
She poked her head through the the little glass window, which was on the door and peeked through it.
The first thing she saw was a bunch of muscular guys punching and kicking the air, they were downed in white costumes with different coloured belts tightened around their waists.
Some of the guys even had their tops off, revealing musuclar bodies that would've made any normal girl swoon.
But not Star, which wasn't really suprising at all.
The reason for this, if you're interested at all; was because people on Mewni went into 'Love Mode' on a certain day at a certain age at a certain time each year, which explained Star's oblivious nature towards sex, boys and anything else in that kind of catergory when she wasn't in Love Mode.
"I should probably tell Marco about Love Mode as soon as possible..." Star mumbled to herself, knowing she'd totally forget anyways

Speaking of the bruenette, the blond saw him standing opposite a rather large guy inside of the room.
Marco was trying to look intimidating, but he was begining to look less scary by the second...
Star watched the bruenette lunge at the larger guy and get knocked down almost instantly! Her body tensed up the second she saw the Safe Kid get punched straight across his face! Star wanted nothing more to run into the room and take on Marco's opponent herself, but the door was locked and there was a sign saying 'Do Not Disturb'.
The blond bided her rage and stayed for the duration of the class and ran away quickly, the second she saw somebody come towards the door.
Eventually, Star caught Marco finally out of his weird class, but he was talking to Jackie and blushing happily.
'Hmph. What does he mean, what secret? You're doing it right now, Safe Kid! How could you not know it?' The blond thought, feeling a flash of some weird feeling she couldn't figure out.

The princesses waited until Jackie and Marco's brief conversation over, until approaching him.
"Oh, hey Star" Marco smiled, digging his hands into his pockets. "What are you doing here?"
"N-Nothing...Just walking around, I guess..." she replied, simply, matching his walking speed.
Star's attention was immeadatily drawn towards Marco's large, sore red wound on the right side of his face.
"How'd you get that, Marco?" the blond asked, indicating towards the bruenette's injury, acting to seem like she wasn't spying on him a couple of minutes ago.
"Oh, this? I just got hit in Karate, no big deal" he replied, shrugging it off. "It still sort of stings, though..."
"Karatay? Well, anyways...I actually I have a special remedy for wounds just like that, straight from Mewni...."
"Really, Star? Can you lend it me, please? I promise I'll return it!" Marco asked.
Star blushed a little.
"You don't have to return it, Marco..."
"Hm? What was that?"
"Nothing! Okay then, here's the medicine..."

'On Mewni, this is a legitment way of medication...' Star kept repeating in her head, as she lightly placed her soft, pink lips against Marco's wound for a few seconds.
"T-There done!" She announced, stepping back. "It should heal really quickly now!"
Marco was in a pleasurable shock as the blond mumbled something about hanging out with Alfonzo and Ferguson, before darting off down the corridor.

'Did Star just...kiss me?!?' He thought, a redness rising in his cheeks.

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