I Got Tagged (Yes, Again XD)

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Okay, so both luna2633 and PearlCarinaButterfly tagged me in the same thing, so I thought that I may as well do it.

Q) Favourite Song?
A) I haven't got a favourite song, but I do tend to listen to Video Game soundtracks and old R'nB music, rather than Pop music or whatever.

Q) Favourite Sport?
A) Hmm...Martial Arts & Gymnastics, I suppose. I did them both when I was younger!

Q) Favourite Band?
A) Uh...I'll get back to you on that one...

Q) Favourite Show?
A) SVTFOE, We Bare Bears, Tom & Jerry and loads of anime that I can't be bothered to name right now.

Q) Favourite Movie?
A) Deadpool, hands down!

Q) Favourite Colour?
A) Black and any shade of Blue or Orange

Q) Favourite Food?
A) Chinese Food! *drools*

Q) Favourite Drink?
A) OJ and Lucozade!

Q) Favourite Video Games?
A) Uhm...let's see...The games I like are Pokemon, DBZ Xenoverse, Rocket League, BroForce, Warframe, J-Stars Victory VS, GTA V, Sonic Advance 2 and 3, Sonic Generations, Super Mario World Wii U, Super Smash Bros, Yoshi's Island and Pokken Tournament.

There! Done! :)

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