Chapter Thirty-Four

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It was a total shame that Toffee had to show his face at the Cafe the day before, but luckily Star's last second fury was quickly subsituted for overwhelming joy after she and her class found out that they had won the big competition Skullnick had been talking about before!
All of her classmates gathered in their usual classroom, which was now a fusion between a place of learning and the Maid Cafe from the competition with pink banners drooping from the ceiling, overhead and tables lying on their fronts, legs in the air.

"Still, I can't wait to see what the prize is!" Ferguson said, excitedly. "Maybe it's a truckload of hot girls all dressed up in t-shirts with my name printed on them!"
"That's never gonna happen!" Alfonzo said, rightly; folding his arms. "If anything, they would have my name written on their t-shirts!"
Sear simply sighed at her friends's daydreams.
"Guys, c'mon! This is ECH we're talking about here! The best prize we'll get is probably an embroided pen or something like that; so you can stop your fantasies already!"
"Ow...Being told that by you is pretty harsh..."Alfonzo replied,desparingly.
"Yeah..." Ferguson agreed. "Being told to stop fantasising by a pervert...That's pretty rough..."
Marco grinned as he watched his friends's light-hearted argument. He was glad that they were so close, Sear hadn't been at Echo Creek High for very long
"Sear, you're pretty much the biggest perv ever!" Ferguson announced.
"What's your point, Fergie? I'm a pervert and proud!" The blond replied, suprisingly not having any regrets about what she just said aloud.
"Hey, don't call me that!" The redhead replied.
"Fergie! Fergie! Fergie! Ffeerrggiieee!"
"Geez, do you lot ever shut up?" Skullnick asked, as she stomped into the classroom. "And have you ever heard of cleaning up? I won't let you go to the beach if you don't tidy up after yourselves, ya know!"

There a sudden pause of silence throughout the classroom...

"Skullzy...Did you just say something about the beach?" Star asked, somewhat in shock.
"Yes, I did. Specifcally, the one near us. It's the prize you brats won for coming first in the competition" her homeroom replied, simply. You lot go there on the week before Summer Vacation, which is next week. So I suggest that you start packing or whatever."
And with Miss Skullnick walked out the class like nothing had happened, but to her students she might've well dropped a mic or something!
There was a complete uproar of excitment from the pupils!
It looked like all of the effort they'd put into their Maid Cafe had actually paid off!
There was high-fives and hugging, full of a mix between ecstasy and victory.
The prize was an outing to the beach! At that exact moment, everybody was extremely glad they worked so hard on the cafe!

With the upcoming trip in mind, all the girls in Marco's class decided to busy themselves at the weekend by buying swimsuits for the beach.
Sear had to literally drag Star along though, because she found her twin's taste in swimwear a bit...outdated? Well in any case, Sear didn't really think a seventeen year old girl, like Star could fit into her old, sky-blue one-piece swimming costume she last used when she was thirteen.
So that pretty much explained why Star, Sear and Jackie were checking out all of the swimming-based items in yet another clothing department store in Echo Creek Mall.
"Haven't we seen enough? Can't we just pick up whichever one we see?" Star whined, getting bored.
"No way! This is Marco's suprise for working so hard at the cafe and taking care of us, so we have to pick carefully, plus don't you want to look amazing at the beach, Star?" Sear replied, picking a rouge red colour one-piece and a purple bikini. "You've got the looks of a model, so why are you so unenthusiastic,about it?"
"Well...Marco wouldn't care what we wear, right? He loves us regardless of our clothes. So why are we making a mountain out of a molehill?"
"I see what you mean, but Marco would be a lot more happier to see us in swimsuits at the beach than in out regular clothes; catch my drift? No pun intended, by the way!"
Star looked at Jackie for confirmation. The skater blond nodded and gave her a thumbs-up sign.
"Go for it! With they two of you, I think that's possible. Plus, doesn't it sound fun, Butterfly?" She said, holding up two different coloured bikinis. "Now, which one of these two do you think says 'skater girl' the most?"

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