Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Found you, Tom." Marco said, gruffily; glaring at the redhead. "Thought you could get away from me, huh?"
Tom clenched his teeth in frustration and took a step backwards, trying to cook up a last second plan.
"H-How'd you get past my guards? In fact, how did you know I was here?" The redhead asked, as his right hand slowly moved towards the back pocket of his black jeans.
"Your bodyguards told me where you were heading and if your wondering how I got past security then just take a look behind me"
Tom peered behind Marco and saw all of his specially-trained men lying in a large muscley heap on the ground. They were still breathing, but it looked like they were going to be confined to hospital beds for the next couple of months!
"Y-You're crazy, man! Don't come any closer, Diaz!" Tom screamed in fear.
Marco took a step forwards...and then another one, until he reached the two men holding Star and Sear captive.
"Unless you two idiots want to end up like your friends, I suggest that you two let my girls go" he said, giving the men an intimidating look.
Both of the captors began to sweat and turned to Tom for orders.
"Get him! Stop him! Do something!!!!" The redhead screeched, angrily.
The men obeyed letting the blonds go and going attack the Safe Kid, who was currently as far as you can possibly imagine from his nickname.
Both of the girls darted towards Marco and hugged him, tightly, feeling a whirlwind of mixed emotions; but for now they were relived.
"Star, Sear...You two get behind me. This is gonna get ugly" the bruenette advised, wisely.
Star wiped her tears away and smiled.
"Who do you think I am, Marco? A damsel in distress? I'm fighting too!" She said, gently pecking him on his right cheek.
"Me too. I can't forgive Tom or any of these guys!" Sear added, kissing the Safe Kid's other one.
Marco blushed a little and smiled.
"Sorry, what was I thinking? How about you guys take a guard each and I'll go for Tom? Sound good?" He compromised, just enjoying hearing his roommate's voices again.
"Awww! I wanted to be the one to kick his butt!" Star complained. "Pleaaasee Marco? Let me do it?"
"Sorry, Star. But he's mine! Okay, how about this: if you two let me go for Tom, I'll cook you the biggest feast ever when we get back to school!"
Star and Sear glanced at each other before and smiled before accepting Marco's offer, whilst their foes just watched; totally amazed at their casualness, despite the situation!

The first guard swung at Sear, but she quickly evaded the attack! It was sort of a suprise to see her move so quickly, because usually Star's twin was incredibily laidback!
The guard took a brief break from his punching and tried to recover his strength, whilst Sear revealed her signature, most efficent weapon!
"Hey Mister~?" She asked, swinging her hips and smiling seductively. "There's something on your suit"
"W-Where?" The man asked, totally caught off guard by Sear's sudden change in attitude.
The blond poked at the guard's tie, distracting her foe. The suited man went to check, but unfortunately for him, he never saw Sear right foot racing towards the spot inbetween his legs...
There was a yelp and the guy collapsed, holding himself and his tears back; trying to endure the pain!

Marco had beared witness to this fight and while he pitied Sear's opponent to a certain extent, he knew that these guys were only getting what was coming to them.

He saw Sear running over to help Star out, so the Safe Kid backed off his hoodie and faced Tom in the pouring rain with a serious look on his face.
Tom glared at him, waiting for the bruenette to make a move.
"Don't worry, Tom. This'll all be over in a second..." the Safe Kid muttered.
"O-Oh yeah? I wouldn't bet on it, Diaz! Let's go!" The redhead replied, as both of the boys dashed at one another, with only victory on their minds.

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