Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Man, this hot spring feels amazing!" Ferguson said, as he soaked in the hot, steamy relaxing water.
To be completely honest, Marco didn't know that this hotel even had a hot spring when his class had first arrived, but now he was thankful for the oppurtunity to wash off all the seasalt and sweat that had been clinging to his body.
The bruenette had had one whirlwind of a day though! Star and Sear had been constantly competing for his undivded attention yet again!
The Safe Kid sighed and settled back into the water, resisting the urge to swim about in it like a little kid!
Things like these were good for you once in a while...It helped clear the bruenette's mind...
"Whoa...I'm getting sorta dizzy...Sorry guys, but I'll be getting out first..." Ferguson said, slowly clambering out of the water.
"Yeah, me too...You coming, Marco?" Alfonzo asked, following his friend, dizzily.
"Nah, I'm good. I'll stay here for a little longer...", the bruenette replied, calmly.
"Okay then. Don't pass out in here, though"
"Don't worry! I won't do that, dude!"
"Really? I would! It sounds like a surefire way to get CPR off Star or Sear!" Ferguson grinned.
"W-What's up with that idea...?"
"I'm just kidding, Marco! Well, see you later!"
"Yeah, later!"

The Safe Kid was somewhat happy to have the whole hot spring to himself now! Since he had a better view of it now, the bruenette checked out his bath. It was quite a reasonable size and there was quite a lot of life circling it, like trees, flowers and even rocks.
Despite that fact that he was surrounded by such natural beauty, Marco still couldn't shake the way Star looked at that man back in the Maid Cafe...
'What's their relationship?' The bruenette wondered, as he splashed in the water a little. 'Star really seemed to hate him...'
Marco looked straight up at the dark, midnight sky, which was peppered by a large amount of tiny, twinkling stars.
"I just want to make Star and Sear happy...That's my wish. Wait, what am I doing? There aren't even any shooting stars out tonight..." He mumbled to himself.
The Safe Kid was so lost in his own thoughts, that he didn't notice the sound of the Hot Spring's door opening and shutting, almost sneakily.
"If Star and Sear are princesses, doesn't that mean that they'll eventually be queens someday?" Marco continued, sadly. "Will I lose them to some random guy? I mean, is it really okay for me to be in a love triangle with two queens? I'm just some Safe Kid from plain, old Earth..."

"Of course it's okay..." came Star's soft-sounding voice from behind him. "Sear and I don't care about that sort of stuff"
"S-Star?!? What're you doing in here?" The bruenette exclaimed, as his eyes laid upon his beautiful, blushing blond girlfriend, who was wrapped in only a white towel. The Safe Kid was thankful that he was also wearing a towel around his waist!
"M-M-Marco...You're doing it again..." the princess said, slowly walking over to him, smiling. "You're giving me those eyes..."
"Wha-! S-Star?!? What're you doing?!? W-We're naked! You can't just come over here!"
"Why not? Is it wrong for me to kiss my boyfriend?"
"Then can I?"

The two lovers met each other halfway in the middle of the Hot Spring under the twighlight sky, embracing each other tightly.
"It's okay, Marco...Sear and I would never leave you for some other guy! You're the only one for us..." Star said, looking into his dark, brown eyes.
"That goes for me too! I'll never ever leave the both of you! I'll only look at the both of my princesses!" The bruenette replied, tightening his arms around her waist.
They let their lips connect, fully enjoying the sensation of their tounges exploring each other's mouth's.
Marco let his hands pull his beloved in closer, so that their bodies were pressed against one another's.
Star broke the kiss and gently pecked the Safe Kid on his lips, as she felt something press up and poke against her left thigh.
"Are you happy to see me, Marco?" The blond asked, smiling; as the bruenette blushed, shyly.
"Y-Yeah, definetly...Star, do you want to...?" he began, quietly; but the princess put a finger to his lips.
"Let's go to my room, okay?" She suggested, shyly.
"Y-Yeah, let's go..."

Well, it's sort of obvious, but the next chapter will be a lemon! Oh and since you guys wanted a sequel, I'll make you one! :)

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