Bonus Festive Chapter (StarCo Fluff)

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Hey guys, here's the lemon! This was actually suppossed to go up last year, but it didn't...
I hope that you all had a great Christmas and to everyone who didn't celebrate it; I hope you had a great day, regardless!

Happy New Year to you all as well!

Oh yeah, I changed this chapter to a fluff instead of a lemon at the last second; because I wasn't in the mood to write a sex scene.
I hope you guys don't mind all that much...

Anyways, on with the fluff! :)

"Mistletoe! We're gonna mistletoe if we're going to make this the best Christmas ever!" Star exclaimed, excitedly, jumping up off of the faded wine red couch, looking at her boyfriend expectedly.
Marco Diaz chuckled to himself as he shook his head.
"But it's Christmas Eve, all of the stores are closed, Star. We can't get any right now" he explained, as his blond girlfriend pouted miserably.
"But the mistletoe..." the Mewman princesses mumbled, sadly.
"It's okay, not having mistletoe never stopped us from kissing each other before..."
"B-But I wanted our first Christmas together to be special...I had a whole schedule planned out and everything..."

Marco smiled gently, as Star perched herself onto his lap.
"You? With a schedule? That's really hard to beleive..." he said. "Besides, this Christmas will be special, as long as your with me..." he said, truthfully; slightly embarassed at the cliche phrase he'd just used.
"I know...but I just wanted it to be perfect..." the blond replied, swinging her legs idly. "This sucks..."
"Listen Star, if there's anything that I can do..."
The princess simply shook her head, smiling sadly. "It's okay, Marco...You don't have to do anything"
"No, its fine; trust me..."
The blond quickly hopped off of Marco's lap and made her way towards the staircase, totally engrossed in her train of thought...


"Now, is the answer behind 'B'? Find out after the break!" Announced a random middle-aged man, who was standing behind a small podium on TV; just as the screen cut to the commercials.
"It isn't..." Marco mumbled to nobody in particular. "Its behind 'C'..."
The Safe Kid had been reduced to watching some random TV game show out of boredom. But he was certain that if his bouncy, bright lover was next to him; the boredom would be somewhat bearable...
However, Star had insisted that he kept his distance for a while; so that she could cool off and try to think of a way to salvage their Christmas...
"I wish I could do something other than just sitting here and being useless..." the bruenette muttered to himself again. "The Garden Centre shouldn't be closed yet, right? I could run over there and...oh wait, that place shut down three months ago..."

As Marco continued to rack his brain for a solution, he heard some light footsteps climbing up the staircase. They sounded a little clumsy and strange, but that was in the least of Marco's interests right now.
A small piece of paper was lying on the first step of the staircase covered in the scent of a vanilla-scented perfume...
It was Star's vanilla perfume, the same one Marco had given his girlfriend on her 19th birthday.
The bruenette picked up the paper and read the lacy handwriting that had been scribbled onto it.

"Come upstairs to the bedroom for your present~" it read. Marco almost dropped the slip of paper out of a mixture of suprise and excitment, but he just managed to contain himself.

The whole journey from the living room to the bedroom door was long and agonising for the young man, but when he finally open the door to the shared bedroom; he could barely beleive his eyes...
"S-Star...What the...What's all of t-this?" The bruenette stammered, as his eyes laid upon his gorgeous golden-haired girlfriend, as she giggled a little nervously; her entire body was wrapped loosely in brightly-covered tinsel.
"Hehehe...Merry Christmas?" She smiled, as Marco gulped and slowly shut the door behind him...

"I-I figured that this was all that I could give you for Christmas...y'know since it's ruined now..." Star mumbled, sadly. "I know that Christmas might just be a thing that you're used to here; but on Mewni, we don't have it; so I just wanted to make our first year together special..."
Marco smiled, happy that his girlfriend had taken all of that into consideration.
"Hey Star, listen; I think that we can still catch a store before it closes...Do you still wanna get some mistletoe?" He asked, blushing like crazy.
The blond simply shook her head.
"It's just as you said, Marco: 'Not having Mistletoe never stopped us from kissing before' she said, gently holding his left hand. "Now, come here and warm me up already, Safe Kid..."

Marco smiled sheepishly, as he edged towards his irresistible girlfriend just as a couple of snowflakes began to flutter down from the clouds...

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