Chapter Seven

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As you can probably grasp by now, Marco was a guy who loved his own privacy. He enjoyed his own space as much as the next guy and beyond that, because he just wouldn't be Marco Diaz, if he didn't.
But all of that peace and quiet, all of that sereneity was but a distant memory now...

Currently,the bruenette's privacy was in tatters, since a certain blond haired girl had moved into his room, it wasn't like Marco disliked the company or Star in general, he just found it hard to do certain things when the blond was around. Like changing clothes or walking around his room in just his underwear on hot days. (A secret guilty pleasure of his...)
Showers were the worst, though or at least that's what Marco thought. Mostly because Star had zero tact and knowledge when it came to anything even loosely related to sex!
Today just happened to be one of those days...

"Marcooooo!" Star called from the behind the bathroom door. "I'm out of shampoo! Get me some?"
The bruenette stopped typing on his book report on his laptop and pulled his headphones out of his ears.
"Sure! Where is it?" He asked, standing up.
"I left it in one of my drawers, I think...Just keep going through them until you find it, please!"
"Cool, I will"
"Thank you~!"
Marco walked over to a chest of drawers, which was covered in yellow star stickers.
"Very Star-like" he said to himself, as he opened the first drawer, which was filled with Star's casual clothes. Well, to be precise, (and Marco was very precise!) most of Star's clothes were on the bedroom floor or scattered on her bed, the drawer itself was close to being totally empty!
The bruenette couldn't find the shampoo bottle in there, so he shut it and opened another one, but quickly slammed it shut a second later after seeing it's contents!
'Underwear drawer...Shoud've seen that one coming...' Marco thought, blushing like crazy; trying to forget what he saw, but not having much luck at all!
The next drawer was a strange one, it had strictly one outfit inside of it, which Marco recognised from somewhere...
'Oh! Wasn't that SB person wearing the same clothes as these?' He thought, holding up the brightly coloured one piece dress. '
He narrowed his eyes at the piece of clothing for about a minute, a number of different thoughts rolling through his head.
It was really begining to bug him...
'Maybe Star's just a cosplayer?' The bruenette decided, finally.
Marco folded the garment and stowed it away in the drawer, continuing his search for Star's shampoo bottle.
Well, until he spotted a twinkling tiara in the back of the drawer.
Marco held it up to the light and stared at it in wonder.
"This thing is 100% authentic diamond...why would Star have something like this?" He said to himself.
Attached to the expensive headwear was a note with fancy, lacy handwriting on it. Marco knew that it wasn't his place to read it, but he could hardly help himself and besides, he was a bad boy after all...

To our dearest Star,

The time when you take this crown and rule over Mewni is nearing. You know why we sent you to the mainland. Please return to Mewni with a man you wish to wed.
Time is ticking...

Good luck, Mom & Dad.

Marco blinked at the letter in complete and utter confusion.
What did it all mean?
"Hey, Marco! Did you find my shampoo in the end?" Star asked, unlocking the bathroom door and walking out with a candyfloss pink towel wrapped around her body.
The bruenette jumped and hid the letter and the crown behind his back, hiding the blush, which was rising in his cheeks.
"N-No! I couldn't find it..." he replied, truthfully.
"Ohh...that sucks" the blond pouted. "How am I gonna wash my hair now?"
"I-I'll lend you some of mine"
Marco offered, smiling sheepishly.
Star raised an eyebrow at him.
"You're hiding something, aren't you Safe kid?" She smiled, catching on.
"I'm not!"
"Hmm...sure you aren't"
"I'm actually really good at finding people out when they lie!"

All of sudden, the blond jumped at Marco, laughing happily; forcing Marco to dodge her.
He stubbed his toe on some random, miscellaneous object causing him to drop the tiara!
The priceless item went soaring through the air, heading straight for the wooden oak floor!

Both Marco and Star leapt for it at the same time with the Safe Kid managing to get within his grasp.
The two roommates hit the floor with Star landing on top of Marco.
Their faces were inches away from each other and the bruenette could feel his face burning up.
"Heh you found out, huh?" Star said, smiling weakly. "I guess I-"
Star stopped mid-sentence when she saw Marco's flushed face, so close to her own.
"U-Uhm...good catch?" Marco said, a little embarassed, whilst he got lost in Star's big blue orbs.

The Princesess I Found On The Internet {A StarCo Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now