Chapter Thirteen

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"What was that?!?" Tom asked, turning around in a mixture of confusion and anger. "What did you just say, Diaz?"
Marco walked over to Star and the redhead, wrapped his left arm around the blonde's thin waist and pulled her closer towards him.
"W-Whoa! Marco?" Star said in confusion, as she was suddenly shifted from Tom's side to the Safe Kid's.
"Didn't you hear me, Tom?" The bruenette asked, not really sure where all of his sudden confidence had come from; but liking it. "Star's with me and I doubt that your engagment is still valid, whilst she's seeing somebody else"
Tom clenched his teeth in frustration and narrowed his eyes straight at Marco, who didn't flinch in the slightest.
The redhead already knew what the bruenette was trying to do and it was true that the contract had bannedbmarriage of any kind if one of the two subjects were already in a serious relationship with another person.
There was nothing that he could do and Diaz knew it. It was at that exact moment that Tom silently declared Marco Diaz as his romantic rival for Star Butterfly!
"Tch. I'll be back, 'Safe Kid'. Just remember that Star's mine!" He muttered, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

Marco found himself relax every muscle of his body, as soon as Tom was out of the room.
'Phew...I got through that, somehow...' the bruenette thought, breathing a sigh of a relief.
"U-Uhm, Marco?" Came Star's slightly embarassed voice.
"Yeah, Star?" He replied, smiling at her.
"You can let go of my side now..."
"O-Oh, sorry!"
The Safe Kid removed his arm from around the princesses's waist, sharpish and faced her blushing, still quite embarassed.
"Thanks for helping me out just now, Marco" she smiled, happily. "I owe you one"
"No problem, Star...I just didn't like the way Tom was treating you, so I thought that I'd step in" he replied, hiding his other reason for saving the princess from Mewni.
"So, how about those nachos then, Diaz?"
"H-Huh? Oh yeah, comin right up!"
As Marco resumed making his specialty dish, Star helped him out by preparing the thick, tasty orange cheese that was going to be drizzeled all over the freshly made tortilla chips.
"You were pretty aggressive against Tom though, Safe Kid" she giggled, not mentioning how she liked how Marco had held her so tightly and how cool he had looked standing up against the redhead.
"I-I have my reasons" the bruenette replied, his blush growing darker with every passing second.
Star smiled and raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, if you say so, Wild Man" she said, turning back to the work at hand.

Star knew that she already accepted Marco as a very good friend; but after the whole incident with Tom, she felt a new feeling begining to reveal itself deep down and it felt light and fluffy; it was an odd sensation,but she didn't dislike it at all!
She felt it's every time she glanced at Marco's face or saw one his signature smiles...

As Star continued working on the cheese, she suddenly remembered what day is was tomorrow!
"Uh, Marco?" She asked, as the bruenette finished making the batter for the nachos.
"Hm?" He answered, turning towards her, which almost instantly made Star turn away!
"T-Tomorrow's a really special day, so I was thinking-" she began, but Marco had cut her off.
"Is tomorrow your birthday? Oh crap, I didn't get you anything!" He exclaimed in panic.
"Wait, what? Tomorrow's not my birthday! That's in July!"
"Oh. Really? Thank God..."
"Uhm...Tomorrow's Love Mode Day back on Mewni; so I just wanted to tell you"
"Love Mode Day? It sounds pleasant"
"It's not really...but, anyways! If I start acting all weird, just lock me up in this room, okay?"
Marco blinked at the princesses in confusion before accepting her request.

Whatever Love Mode Day was, it sounded like a lot of trouble...
Marco already knew that, but he could have never have expected what was coming the following day...

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