Chapter Ten

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Still bewildered by what Star had just done, Marco halfed walked, half floated back to his room!
'It was just medication, Diaz!' The bruenette told himself as he placed his key in the lock of his bedroom door. 'It's not like Star meant anything by it! I mean, it's Star!'
But Marco realised that the princesses had been suprisingly forceful with her approach...Was she trying to tell him something?

Still in his own world, Marco pushed open the door to see his room totally trashed!
Everything in Marco's and Star's drawers had been thrown onto the floor, their bedsheets were spread out over the room too and Marco was only in the doorway!
The bruenette didn't really know if he wanted to walk into the room, properly and see the mess in all it's entirety, but he figured that he didn't really have a choice...
The Safe Kid walked slowly into the room and nearly screamed when he saw the mess!
The two windows had large holes in them, the kitchen work surface was covered in flour and most of the furniture was wrecked!
Marco wanted to roar with undying anger, go and find the guy who did this to Star and his room and beat the seven shades of shi-

'No. Chill out, Diaz. Keep a cool head...' the bruenette told himself, taking a deep breath.
As Marco's rage dimmed, he spotted a piece of paper lying on in the centre of the room.
He approached the note, catiously; as if it were a bomb, curious to see what it read; but also scared about the sheet of paper would say.
Marco picked it up and read it quickly:

Stay away from Star.
Unless of course, you're looking for trouble...

The person who was behind this had taken care to hide their identidy by not adding their name and by using letters cut out from magazines and newspapers.
'What the hell is going on?' Marco thought, slamming his fist against the wall. 'Why is this happening to us?'
The bruenette suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, as he sensed a nearby presence...
The feeling of cold, sinister eyes watching was almost unbearable.
Marco quickly span on his heels and caught a glimpse of a person running outside of his doorway.
"Hold it! Get back here!" He shouted, dashing after the potential suspect.
The Safe Kid ran out of his room, keeping his target in sight. The bruenette darted down a staircase and skipped several steps at a time, trying to catch up with the mysterious guy.
'This is the guy!' Marco thought, as he cut around corners. 'If it weren't, he wouldn't have no need to run from me!'
Marco continued giving chase, even when his target began throwing and knocking things down, trying to block the bruenette's path.
The two sped past random students through the corridors and eventually blasted out of the doors of the school and straight down the sidewalk with Marco so close to the suspect that he could pratically reach out and grab them! As soon as the bruemette extended his right arm, his target made a sharp left into a large crowd of people!
Marco tried following them, but it was quite obvious that they'd escaped...
The bruenette leaned against a wall, getting his breath back after his intense last second excersise.
'Argh, geez! They got away! How am I gonna explain this all to Star?' He thought, doubled over and breathing heavily.

When Marco finally made it back to his room, he was suprised to see Star in a white pinny with her long, blond hair tied back into a ponytail.
From the looks of it, she had been cleaning up their room, because the place was a lot tidier than when Marco had seen it last.
"Hey Star..." the bruenette said, weakly; immeadiatly going over to help her.
"Hey Marco...Do you know who did this to us?" Star asked in low spirts, which the Safe Kid found pretty uncomfortable.
"No, not really; but I was just chasing somebody who seemed suspicous, well until they got away..."
"Why would they do this to us?"
Marco saw tears welling up in Star's eyes and he quickly embraced the blond in a tight hug.

"Don't worry, Star...I'll find the person that did this!" He announced, as his roomate began to shed tears into his shoulder. "I swear I will..."

The Princesess I Found On The Internet {A StarCo Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now