Chapter Twenty-Five

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You're probably wondering why Marco was so wrong about the peacefulness at Echo Creek Boarding School, surely he was right about nothing disturbing it's serenity?
Just about everything appeared to be out of the ordinary at the highschool either; people were going to classes, skipping classes or forgetting about them altogether.
Totally normal.
But the harsh reality was that this peaceful school was about 3 hours away from becoming a battlefield...(Well, for our main protagonists at the very least!)

Marco thumbed through yet another thick book, which was titled 'Everything You Need To Know About Other Various Countries'.
He sighed and closed it, not finding the information he was hoping for.
'Hmm...That's weird...' he thought, placing the book he'd just read into a pile, which was on his right.
'I'm positive that it would've been in that one for sure...'
The Safe Kid had decided to do some research on his Star's home country out of pure curiousity. I mean, what better things did he have to do for a two-hour free period? Plus, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't even know where his own girlfriend originated from?
A bad one, that's what.
The bruenette already knew that his Princesses and her twin came from a country named Mewni, but he wanted to know more about it, however, he couldn't find it on the Internet; so he'd resorted to using the School Libary, but he wasn't having much luck there either...

It was around then that Ferguson and Alfonzo burst through the doors of the Libary, totally red-faced from running!
"Dude, Marco!" Ferguson exclaimed, tiredly.
The redhead would've been given a complimentary, stereotypical "Sssshhhh!" from the Libarian, if there was anybody else was in the Libary apart from the Safe Kid, who by this point; was eager to see what his two friends wanted so badly.
"What's up, you two?" The bruenette asked, simply; slipping off his reading glasses.
"I-It's Star and Sear..." Alfonzo panted, tiredly.
Marco automatically stood up, getting ready to run to wherever his two roommates were.
"What happened to them?" He asked, seriously.
"I don't really know the ins and outs of it, but these two big guys in black suits and sunglasses just came in and dragged Star and Sear out of the classroom!

Marco felt like his blood had run cold...

"Do you know where those guys took them?" The Safe Kid asked, urgently.
"No...Sorry, man..." Alfonzo replied.
"It's fine and thanks for telling me, you guys" he replied, darting past them and out of the Libary, his heart pumping.

As Marco's brown sneakers hit the shiny floor of the corridor, they made a loud squeaking sound. Usually, by now; a teacher would've told him to stop running in the corridors, but he hadn't seen anybody in a while...
Come to think of it, the bruenette's school seemed a lot more deserted than usual... Maybe the teachers evacuated all of the students? But if they did, what was the reason why?
The Safe Kid wanted to know exactly what he was dealing with here!
The bruenette continued sprinting past all of the empty, abandoned classrooms until he saw a disgustingly fammiliar head of perfect scarlet hair in the distance!

"Tom? What's going on here?" Marco asked his arch-enemy, in a hurry.
Tom was grinning, triunphantly; as he turned to face the Safe Kid.
"Oh, nothing much; I'm just claiming back what's mine"
"What's yours...? Oh, wait!You can't be talking about..."
"Yeah. My two beautiful brides, Star and Sear!"
"You can't do that and I keep telling you that they don't belong to anybody!"
"Well, aren't all women just accessories for men? Y'know to make them look good in front of their colleagues?"
"You're one twisted guy, Tom..."
"Well, thanks"
"Where are Star and Sear? I'm giving you five seconds to tell me or you'll live to regret it!"
"Oh no, I'm sooooo scared! Try again, loser!"
"Where are they?!?"
"Hmm...Okay, how about this? Those two girls are somewhere in this school; if you can find them before our flight to Mewni is ready, then I'll give up. But if you don't..."
"You'll take them, right? What a classic supervillian line, Tom"
"I try. Better hurry, Diaz! You've got 1 hour...Your time starts...Now!"

Marco darted past Tom, the second the redhead said that the challenge had started.
He was going to find the girls and win! The Safe Kid didn't even consider failure, because that wasn't hoping to help him win!

'Star...Sear...Don't worry! I'll save you both right away!' The bruenette promised, silently; as he began his long search...

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