Chapter 1- The Forgotten Anniversary.

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Jennifer's POV

Have you ever felt that awful drowning feeling? As if you are forgetting something and you desperately want to remember it because if you don't then you might be embarrassed? I am exactly feeling that right now! Actually this mixture of feelings was joined by a sudden jolt of guilt. Something definitely happened today which I was not able to recollect. This is really wierd. Was today someone's birthday? Shelby's? Nope. It happened months ago.

A voice suddenly broke me out of my mental debate.

"Ms. Liaman, seems like you're in your Wonderland? " Oh yeah, I was right. That sweet voice belonged to my History teacher, Mr. Tanner! (Note the sarcasm)

"Uh... hmm... Sorry sir!" I replied, hearing snickers from my idiotic classmates. My messed up brain was definitely not in a state to answer. I sat down and figured that zoning out wouldn't be such a good option.

After the block ended, I decided to go and check with my reminder i.e. my best friend Shelby who basically remembered every date for me. Seconds later I was pushed and taken into the next classroom. The room was dark, like the ones you see in those Conjuring movies. It's not like I was afraid of darkness but when you're forced to watch a horror flick by your ridiculous brothers then blaming me isn't really an option.

Oh shoot! Was it Tara and her minions again?? NO WAY MAN!!

"Happy Anniversary Jen!" my boyfriend greeted me, pecking me on the lips.

Holly fudge! It was my anniversary! And I had forgotten that day!! Wow! I am the world's prize winning idiot!

Aaron King, my boyfriend, brought me out of my thoughts.

"You forgot again, right?"

"Hmm... No, well actually..."

"Look, I know you well."

"Okay, yeah I did, I am sorry!"

He looked at me into my eyes and I saw the one expression I loathed the most. He looked disappointed. I tried to convince him with my puppy eyes and lo and behold, I succeeded.

"I was thinking of going to Pylos, that Greek restaurant that opened on 7th street because you know you love European cuisine. "

"Oh my god, you really think so much about me! Yes, I'll come."

"Good because I'll pick you up at eight from your house, be ready, okay?"


"Love you!"


With that he left me there in a really confused state. I mean, it was my anniversary with my first ever boyfriend and I was supposed to feel happy or in the least contented. Keyword being 'supposed to'.

He asked me out exactly three months ago and this was the second time in a row that I had forgotten the anniversary. And I had never even said 'I love you' to him either. I just didn't feel that way. Maybe it'll take some time.

Since it was lunch now, I went to the cafeteria where Shelby congratulated me by making a big poster that said 'Happy Anniversary Jen and Aaron' but by the look on my face maybe she guessed that I was not at all entertained by all the fuss. I was really bored, a lot.

But I had already proved myself to be a bad girlfriend, I didn't want to be a bad best friend too. So I forced a smile and mouthed thank you to her. I went and put my bag on my seat, took out my purse, which Aaron had gifted me on my birthday and went to order what I'll have for my lunch. On the way I bumped into someone. I was about to shout, give that boy a piece of my mind.

But before I could do so I recognized him, Rogan Leroy. His eyes, oh my god, they were so captivating. I knew a few things about him because we were almost in the same classes. One of those things was that he had very few friends. That was surprising because he had a breathtakingly amazing smile and those big brown doe eyes that every girl, especially me, would want to stare into for ages. Wait...

What was I thinking? I had a boyfriend for Christ's sakes!

"Uh... I am really sorry Jennifer!"

Wow, the way he said my name, it sent goosebumps all through my spine. His voice was so smooth, like velvet. Shit! Get out of it! He is trying to make conversation with you, talk you nitwit girl.

"Hmm... No it's alright, not a big deal!"

Now that was surprising, I was not the one to leave matters like this alone, but then why did I excuse Rogan? Did I want to get into his good books by not picking a fight with him? Did I want him to think of me as a peace loving, good natured girl? Heyy!! What was happening to me? Even Aaron never made me feel that way...

"Hey, are you alright?" asked Shelby.

"Yup, completely and totally fine. Why are you asking?"

"Well, you did talk to Rogan-I-am-too-shy-to-talk-to-girls-Leroy earlier, no?"

When Shelby teased Rogan about being too shy earlier, I didn't mind it even a bit.

But right now, god knows what happened inside me but I definitely didn't take that compliment of hers too kindly. I wanted to scold her for being so rude but all I did was smack her hand when we sat at our table at our high school. We had many female friends but didn't sit with them because there was a lot of bitching going on.

Sometimes I wondered, what did Aaron see in me? Sure I was intelligent, I paid attention to all my teachers, hell I even had a bloody good shot at being the valedictorian this year but surely guys as handsome as Aaron don't be with a girl for her grades, do they? And I wasn't even that good looking or attractive, which Shelby blatantly refused. I was average looking, is what I considered.

"Woah Jennifer, you've gotta get rid of that zoning out habit of yours, it might get you into trouble."

"Well actually it did in my History block. I forgot my anniversary, as usual, and was thinking about it when..."

"When Mr. Tanner pounced on you like you were his prey."

"Pretty much."

"So... Is Aaron taking you out somewhere today?"

"Yeah, he's taking me to this new Greek themed restaurant on 7th street."

"You lucky girl! I wish I could come with you, we share the love for European cuisine, you know..."

"I could ask Aaron if you really wanna come and..."

But before I could complete my sentence Shelby said,"Are you kidding me? I was just kidding for heaven's sake!"

"I know, I just feel, hmm... Well actually, you know..."

"Bored of Aaron and this relationship? Wanna dump him?"

"Yes... Wait, what? No! Absolutely not! "

"Okay, I was just asking, no need to be so hyper."


I knew that I had denied this but Shelby had just voiced the thoughts that had been floating around in my mind. She knew me better than I knew myself.

So here's the first chapter, chipmunks...


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