Chapter 21- Figuring It All Out...

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Hi people, an early update, I was getting inspired, like really a lott. The media up ahead is just a small sort of poster that I created for my book, I've been doing that a lot lately. A lot more will be coming up in the upcoming chapters.

Since this book is about to end and a kick-ass epilogue would be a part of this, I've been thinking of writing a ton of bonus chapters. I've had a lot of ideas flowing through my mind during lectures, lol, yeah I'm distracted, just a bit though. Enjoy!

Jennifer's POV

Roller coaster, that's exactly how my life was. Until yesterday, I was reeling high on the feeling of being quintessentially in love with someone who I thought would never hurt me. But, I was proved wrong, again.

Really, life was a bitch sometimes.

I was numb throughout the day. I felt his words ringing in my ears. He said that there was a reason behind all of this, but what could it be? My thinking capacity was beyond bleek now. Whenever I had an issue to deal with, I used to call Rogan.

But, the thing troubling me was caused by him. Who was I supposed to call now? I stopped crying after a lot of efforts, courtesy Shelby. But it felt as if he had ripped apart a piece of my heart and taken that away with him. I wanted to talk to him, ask him why he was doing this but then again everytime I saw him after what happened in that empty room my mind filled up with anger.

Our eyes locked once and I swear I saw his eyes cringe when he saw the anger in mine. There wasn't any hatred though, I couldn't possibly hate him. That was impossible, it was like asking someone to create another sun for our galaxy.

Completely impossible.

Honestly saying, I was exhausted. Dead exhausted. I wanted to go home and cry into my pillow. I wanted to scream, to shout and I wanted to be silent at the same time. To get to the point I was a mess. It was like my life had no meaning. I was falling into depression and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

It was a good feeling that I would be alone when I got home. Harry and Peter needn't know anything about all of this. I didn't want them getting involved in my drama. But destiny was definitely working against me right now. As I aimlessly pushed the key through the keyhole, my nose involuntarily sniffled in the air. Chatter could be heard across the kitchen.

My brothers were home.

I knew they heard me coming in but they kept on talking. I removed my shoes and slowly treaded into the kitchen. There, wearing ridiculous looking oven mitts, were Har and Pete. They were fiddling with the wrong button. I quickly went and stopped them from blowing up the kitchen.

"You guys are home early today." I stated as normally as I could.

"Yeah well, we could all use a little sibling bonding." Peter said.

"Yes." Was all I could say without choking up and crying.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. He really knew me well.

"I'm okay... I'll just go and freshen up." I needed to go and release the tears building up. I couldn't show them how vulnerable I was right now.

My feet were quick to carry me to my room. As soon as I entered, I flung myself onto my bed and cried like I never had in my entire life.

"Why? Why did you do this to me Rogan? Why did you reject me? What's my fault? Do you not know how much I miss you right now? Wasn't I believable when I told you that I love you? Maybe I was... God I'm so stupid!"

My mental ranting went on and on. I couldn't comprehend a reason as to why he did it. My mind was going crazy over his words. The way he looked today, he was definitely hiding something from me. And the saddest thing was, that he didn't want to tell me about it.

I thought we shared everything with each other.

Suddenly my bedroom opened and Pete looked at me with worried eyes. I couldn't lie to them now. They'd seen how I looked. He was quick as a flash to be by my side, followed by Harry. Slowly, he took me in his arms and rocked me to and fro.

"Hey baby, shhhh, everything's going to be okay."

"No, it isn't, how will everything be okay?" My voice was so small, I doubt he even heard it.

"What happened Jen? Talk to us." Harry told me.

"It's a long story..." I trailed off, not wanting them to know about this. Secretly, I didn't want them thinking badly of Rogan.

"Trust me, we've got all the time in the world."

"Well, I fell in love and quite literally, I fell. And I'm still falling." A few more tears rolled down my already red cheeks.

Their eyes widened. I told them everything right from the start. How I met him in the cafeteria that day, his unforgettable eyes that invaded my dreams everytime I slept, our first kiss, how he defended me in front of the whole cafeteria, our day out in Central Park, I knew everything by heart. How could I ever even forget it?

Both of them sighed heavily after I finished. I expected them to be angry but they weren't. That surprised me.

"Aren't both of you angry?"

"We should be but I'm not feeling any anger towards that kid." Harry answered my question.

"But why is he doing it?"

"That's the same thing I've been wondering about Pete."

"Why didn't you ask him?"

"I was too angry to do it."

"Maybe you should've talked to him."

"Yeah, what good was that gonna do?" My sarcasm was still here, that was a good thing.

"He said that there was a reason behind this, what if the reason is just too bad?" Harry always had the analytical mind among us.

"Is it too bad that he wouldn't even look at me? I saw love in his eyes, I swear I did and I saw that emotion even today but it felt as if he was trying to mask it by being cold and hard-hearted which he isn't. I know he isn't!" I said all of this in one breath. Both of them looked at me with amused looks on their faces.

"What are you both smiling at?"

"You're so whipped sis. Finally my sister is in love, I'm happy for you." For the first time during that day, I dared to smile. Even if it was of a miniscule size.

"Stop acting like you're my mother Pete."

"You know what? He is, and I'm your father, we're always going to be there for you."

"God, I'm so lucky you have you both. But I didn't know that my brothers were dating each other..." This was epic, I managed to crack a joke.

"Shut up! Now let's go, we've got a chocolate cake to complete."

I went down the stairs with them, a smile adorning my face. However bad a situation was, I knew they would make me smile.

Although I had made up my mind to find the reason behind his rejection. I was not going to let him go so easily...

Yeah, another one done! I'm so happy.


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