Chapter 31- Future Plans.

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Hi guys, enjoy!!

Jennifer's POV

"Ahh, I think that's enough Beca."

"What?! You've hardly had enough."

I made a pouty face at Rogan, silently asking him to save me from this atrocious amount of food served on my plate but he just shrugged and continued to eat his.

That bastard!

I narrowed my eyes at him but to no avail. So the only option I was left with was to comply unwillingly. I didn't have it in me to say no her.

"So, when are you guys leaving for the event?" Rogan asked his parents.

"In about an hour, why? Too desperate for privacy son?" His father replied. Rogan choked on his own food.

"Dad! Stop it." Was his only reply while all I could do was laugh.

Now it was his turn to narrow his eyes at me.

"Where are you going?" I tried to change the topic.

"Oh it's just something related to his company. I've to accompany him so we're going."

"Oh cool."

After awhile of meaningless banter, I helped Beca clean up everything and soon they left. Rogan seemed to be in a sour mood ever since that door closed.

"Jen, you can go too."

"What the hell? Why?"

"Because I don't need babysitting!"

He sat down on his living room couch and I followed.

"Are you pregnant coz you seem to be having a lot of mood swings lately."

"Yeah, I'm moody, a stubborn asshole and someone completely unworthy for you. Go."

"Agreed, you're all those things but then again, you are smart, sinfully sexy and drop dead gorgeous too. I can't chance losing that."

His slightly curved lips proved that I'd succeeded in lightening his mood.

"My mind knows that you're sexy too but my body wants you to prove it." His bluntness surprised me for a moment.

Oh you want a game Leroy, bring it on!

I went near him and slowly whispered in his ears as seductively as possible. "What do you want me to do?"

My hands moved on their own accord as they traced patterns inside his top, making him shudder and giving me satisfaction. He didn't say anything. So I did what I wanted to. His shirt landed on the floor and I kissed along his jawline, then his neck and down his chest. To agitate him further, I sat and removed my top too. His eyes bulged a bit. I resumed what I was doing.

Suddenly, I was turned around and he steadied his weight on me. My lips were captured the next moment and the love I felt couldn't actually be described in any humanly way possible. Euphoria, love, sparks, lust... The list was endless.

"We should stop love." Rogan's voice brought me out of my reverie.

"Okay." I couldn't form words. The blush that had threatened to show was now visible quite clearly all across my face.

"Cute." He kissed the tip of my nose before moving away and putting on his shirt. I quickly did the same.

"Have you thought about which college you want to go to?" I asked the question that had been on the tip of my tongue for since a long time.

"If I come out of this alive" my eyebrows furrowed at that "then I've decided to go to the uni you choose."

Surprise was an understatement to weigh what I felt right now.

"But why me?"

"Simple, I love you."

"Rogan, but still. It's your education, your entire future."

"I know but it's not like you'll choose any silly college."

"That still doesn't justify it."

"I might sound completely crazy right now but this is the truth. When I think about my future, I see myself as an engineer working for a big company and earning money and spending that on you, on our family. I see you in every vision I have about my life. You're my path Jennifer, my only way to survive this roller coaster called life."

I couldn't say a thing. It was as if his words turned me mute. I always knew that I mean a lot to him, but not on this huge level. He saw me as his future. I wrapped my hands his neck, engulfing him in a bear hug. Stupid, damn tears threatened to spill. He caressed me, his hand moving up and down my back.

"So, how do you think about the NYU?"

"Yeah, I mean definitely yes. But you think we'll get through?"

"Why not? We're assured of a good score, aren't we?"

"You're really optimistic." He sounded amused.

"I am."

I'm sorry for the short length but I had to update something for my faithful readers out there.

Love y'all

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