5: suho

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Suho imagine

Exo had a drama filming today, and thats why the managers are gathered around in the meeting room. While the twelve boys are in the waiting room, probably sleeping.

Now if you ask why im here, im exo's make-up artist for the day. At least thats what i heard. I've only work for SM for around 2 weeks, but they make me exo's make-up artist already.

"____ ssi, you should use dark make up for this part to give out sad vibes, and somewhat sick make up for this one," the main producer told me.

"Yes, sir. I understand" i nodded.

"Do we start now? Its seems like the weather is quite okay" the script writer said.

"Yes, lets start" the manager went to fetch the twelve boys.

I went to the filming site to check the area, and we are filming outdoor for the first part. The wind is blowing softly, and the sun shines perfectly.

"____ ssi, the boys are ready" their manager called me.

"Ah, yes" i followed him to the make up room.

"Hyung, my dark eye bags are showing too much" tao complained to the manager.

"Yah, thats why make up noona is going to fix us" kris said coldly.

Im not too old for you information. Im only at d.o's age, but they keep insisting that i look old. I must be looking as old as a grandma right now.

"Who shall i do first?" I asked the manager.

"You can start with d.o and chanyeol, they have the first act for today" the manager told me as he left.

I made my way to chanyeol, and fixed his brown hair. It was quite a mess, since he just wake up. Its 4 a.m for goodness sake.

"Noona, do i look like im sick? Why is my eyes looking so tired?" Chanyeol observed himself in the mirror.

"I will fix that, dont worry" i smiled to him.

I styled his hair as if he just go stressed from breaking up. And dark blue make up for his eyes and cheeks. I also added eyeliner and black shades under his eyes. For his lips just simple lip balm.

"The make up looked perfect, i look like i was heartbroken" chanyeol happily said.

"My turn now noona" d.o called as he tried to remember his lines.

I added pink blush and light shades on his eyes. I put a bit glittery lip balm and slightly pink lip tint on his lips. His lips are to die for, really. And his dark black hair is so perfect, so soft.

"Just look cheerful in the drama, and you'll be fine" i told d.o.

i went over to suho as im done with the two main actors. suho didnt look too good to start with. his face looked worse than the first two. i was worried maybe he didnt get enough sleep last night.

"you dont seem too good today, are you sick?" i asked suho.

"im okay noona, just a bit tired" he managed a smile.

he keeps his eyes closed all the time as i put make up on his face and when i fix his sleeping hair. am i being too nosy for a make up artist? but suho does look like in a bad condition. plus the producer is a guy and the manager is a guy too, who wouldve took care of these twelve guys if it isnt for a girl?

"____ ssi are you done? the filming is starting" The producer came to the room.

"we're ready producer nim" d.o and chanyeol went out of the room.

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