12: suho

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Suho imagines

"____ ah, do you want to have a date later after school?" Suho, my boyfriend, asked.

"Uh, okay" i agreed without thinking twice.

"I'll see you later then" he kissed my cheeks and left.

I just stood there, watching his tall body disappear from my sight. Indeed, im just an average girl and he is one of the richest guys in this school. I didnt even knew why suho asked me out, he could have dated someone richer.

"Looking at your boyfriend again?" My friend, lay asked.

"When did you get here? I thought you were in the teacher's room" i looked at lay.

"I was, but you were standing there for too long, ____ ah" he told me.

"Oh, then lets just go to class" i turned and walked away.


After school

"Waiting for your boyfriend again?" Lay asked as he saw me.

"Yeah, he asked me on a date" i told lay.

"He's not going to come, ____ ah. Let me take you home" lay pulled me with him.

"No. I know he will come. Just because he always stood me up, doesnt mean he will too today" i pulled away from lay.

"____ ah, trust me, just today. Suho's dad called him this morning, he had to meet someone right now" lay told me.

"I dont care, i will still wait" i pouted at lay.

"Alright, but if you need someone, you can always call me" lay smiled to me.

"Okay" i smiled back at him as he left.

I walked out from the school and headed to the park, where we will have our date. Well, thats where he promised to meet me.

I sat on the bench and saw the time, its 3.30. Suho would come out from school around this time, maybe he would come late but i know he would come. So i waited for him patiently, while smiling to myself.

20 minutes passed, 45 minutes passed, an hour passed. Suho still didnt come, yet i still sat there patiently. I think i waited for too long, and i got sleepy.

"When will you come? You will come today right? What are you doing right now?" I asked the sky as if im talking to suho.

I've been waiting on the bench for 3 hours, and suho didnt show up. I guess he's just not going to come today, but i still cant make myself go home.

Its not even the first time he did this, but why does it always hurt every time? I should have known about this when i decided to be his girlfriend, but why did i still accepted him? He always stood me up every time he promised to meet me, but why does this heart keep telling me to wait for him?

I asked myself so many questions while looking at the night sky. Theres so many reasons for me to just go home, but there is also a reason to stay. I trusted him, i believed he would come.

"He would not come again today, right?" I asked the flower beside me.

I didnt even realize a tear escaped my eye, falling hard on the ground. I didnt know someone i thought was nice, could hurt me this deep.

"Maybe i shouldn't have waited him, maybe i shouldn't have dated him, maybe i shouldn't have met him, then i wont be hurt anymore" i cried to myself.

It even started to rain, and i didnt bring my umbrella with me. I looked at my watch, its already 8.30. i have waited suho for 5 hours on that bench, i even skipped dinner.

"Goodbye," i said to the bench and stood up.

I decided to stop waiting, i decided to stop hoping he would come, i decided to stop being stupid for him. This is enough, i should have gone home earlier.

I walked a few steps and saw my untied shoelace. I bend down to tie it neatly and stood back up. I wanted to leave, but i keep looking back to the bench.

"____ ah!! why are you still here?!" A loud voice made me turn around.

"I.." I started, but my voice wouldn't come out.

"Shh.. Its okay, im here now" he whispered as he embraced me into a warm hug.

"I waited for you" i whispered to his chest.

"Why are you waiting? Are you an idiot?" He hugged me tighter.

"I was about to leave, and never come back again" i told him.

"Why? Why wouldn't you return?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Im tired, suho ya. I have waited for too long, i have waited for too many times. Maybe its better for you stop making me wait, and for me to stop waiting" i cried in his chest.

"____ ah, im sorryy. Im really sorry for making you wait. Im sorry for all tjose times you waited for me" suho caress my back.

"Its better to stop now, suho ya. I should have stopped waiting, lets stop this" i moved away from him.

"No, what do you mean stop? How can you stop?" Suho held my shoulders.

"This waiting is not worth it, this has to stop. And im stopping it here, suho ya" i stepped backwards, away from him.

"Youre not thinking straight, ____ ah, let me take you home now" he stepped forward but i moved back.

"No, no. In the end, i have to stop waiting anyway, so why not stop now? Its too late, you always come too late, dont you?" I looked at him, his wet hair covering his face.

"____ ah, please. I know you always waited, im sorry. I know i came too late, and you were long gone when i came here. But please, just once, cant you wait for me? Just one more time?" He begged, his beautiful eyes were crying.

"Im sorry," i whispered, "everything is too late, i've waited for too long. Its over, we're over now. I wont wait again, i wont wait for you" i turned around, making my way out from the park.

"Goodbye, ____ ah" i heard he said, but i still didnt stop.

"Goodbye, my first love" i spoke to myself as i walked further.

My visions were blurry, from crying too much and also because of the rain. I was about to cross the street, but i slip and fell. When i stood, a bright light covered my visions, i could see a thing.

Then all i felt was the hard ground, and the cold rain on my body. I heard him shout for my name, the last voice i heard was his beautiful voice i wanted to forget.

"____ ah!! Nooo!!! ____ ah!! Hey, wake up!!" He shook my body.

I looked at him, at his face, his eyes was filled of worry. I smiled to him, at least he still cared for me. At least i could see his face before i left him.

Maybe this is for the best, forgetting that we ever knew each other. Maybe its better for him to forget about me and continue his life. He could be happier without me, and i let him go.

"Goodbye, i loved you" i whispered as my eyes closed for the last time.


Happy birthday to our beloved leader, SUHO!!
im so happy right now, i dont even know why, tho the story is sad. Sorry i made a sad one shot on ur bday leader nim. I just felt awkward writing a happy one.
*pls slap this author for ruining suho's bday*
But i still hope u liked this one :')

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