27: chanyeol

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This is the last imagines for the third theme.. whose looking forward for the fourth? :)

I work at a salon, as a hairdresser. I do quite well on my job, the costumers like me, and my manager trusts my works.

"Eonni, have you seen my eyeliner?" My colleague asked.

"I havent seen it, where did you put it?" I told her.

"I dont know, i think i dropped it" she groaned.

"Just buy a new one," i told her, cleaning the floor.

She sighed, "but that one was from my boyfriend".

"I will tell you if i find it" i gave in.

"Thanks eonni" she cheered and went home.

Its almost closing time, and i still have to clean the salon before going home. The place is especially full of costumers today, so we were stressed.

I finished cleaning by 10.30 and headed home. As usual, my mom is waiting by the front door, nagging. She doesnt like her daughter being a hairdresser, she wants me to be a doctor, like my older brother.

"Mom, i need sleep, cant we talk tomorrow?" I groaned.

She hit me, "how disrespectful of you".

"Ouch!" I complained.

"Mom, let her be. She actually got her own job, thats enough" my borther sided with me.

"She could have been a doctor like you, or at least a nurse" my mom headed to her room.

"Dont worry, i will talk to her again" my brother patted me on the head and went to his own room.

I raised my shoulders, and went into my own room. Ugh, what a day.


I was having a break at work, sitting by the cashier where the girls would have a chat. The place isnt that crowded, since its still early in thr morning. I watch the my colleagues walk pass me, some costumers getting treatment.

Just then the bell rang, signalling a costumer came. I jumped from my sitting position to greet the costumer.

"Welcome to xyz salon, how can we help sir?" I smiled.

"Well, i would like to have my hair styled today" he replied.

"Come with me please," i leaded him to a seat.

I looked around to find a guy colleague to do his hair. I mean, who am i make a guy's hair.

The guys were all busy, and some are just too lazy. Then i guess there is no choice but for me to so his hair.

"I'm sorry sir, will you mind if i were to make your hair?" I politely asked the costumer.

"No, not at all" he showed a smile.

"Then, excuse me" i spoke.

I started with washing his hair, then drying with the hair dryer. This much isnt that hard, but touching a guy's hair makes me nervous. Especially when he is good looking, and cute.

"Whats the occasion, sir?" I asked him.

"Just a simple party," he replied, not looking away from the magazine he read.

"I bet its not that simple if you even went to the salon," i tried to have a decent talk.

"I just wanna look good for once. And besides, who knows i get to know some pretty girls?" He joked.

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