6: lay

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Lay imagines

I woke up by the sound of baekhyun's whining and chen's laugh. Cant they just start the morning quietly? These boys need to be taught a lesson. Its rude to be loud in the morning.

I went out of my bed to check the time, its 5 in the morning. Yea right, they have schedules today. But there should be no reason to wake me up.

"Manager noona~" chanyeol called me from across the door.

I sighed, tied my hair, and opened the door. I was quite shocked when someone was pushed to my direction. He almost made me fall with him, and my heart beats fast. Dugeun dugeun.

"Noona," its lay's voice. His morning voice is so sexy, if it could kill a person, im already dead.

"Yah!" I glared at chanyeol and chen who was laughing their heart out.

"Lay hyung has a little crush on noona~" sehun joined.

"I will kill you all, just you wait!" I shouted agrily.

The three left me and lay alone. Its kind of awkward, i cant help it. Lay is just too sexy and cute at the same time. I think my heart explodes.

"Sorry about that" lay said.

"Its alright, its not you fault" i told lay.

Lay moved away and scratch his nape. He looked extra hot today, maybe because he is still sleepy. I smiled to him before closing the door even before he went.

"Cant i just have extra 30 minutes of sleep?" I groaned as i headed to the bathroom.

It took me 30 minutes to fix myself and get dressed. I was about to go out when i heard tao calling me for breakfast. These boys sure dont know how to be patient.

"Noona~ noona~"tao called me.

"Noona~" kai joined, saying it louder.

"What now?" I asked irritated.

"Food" chanyeol joined the maknae sitting on the dining table.

"Just sit, i'll get breakfast" i growled at them.

I annoyingly cooked the boys some omelette and served it on a plate. Then without saying a word i went back to my room and locked the door.

I wish i could sleep more, but as i closed my eyes i got a message from SM's head assistant. She told me to be a guide for an american actor.

"How wonderful can my day get" i mumbled to myself as i get my favourite black hoodie and backpack.

It was quiet in the dining room as i went out of my room. It was kind of a new thing, because the boys are super active these days, maybe they had too many hormones. Just saying.

"Noona are you going somewhere?" D.o was first to ask when he saw me.

"Yea. So you have a photoshoot at 10 later right? Make sure to be prepared, and suho, youre in charge" i said as i looked at my schedule book.

"Where are you going noona? Dont tell me youre running away.." Tao looked at me.

"Actually, im not running away here" i answered him, "im planning resign this stupid job" i continued.

"Resign?!!" Everyone said in unison.

"Now, just be good and finish your schedules well. I'll be going" i used my shoes, while luhan and kris stopped me.

"No.. Noona dont go, dont leave us" they whined like a little kid.

"I have to go now guys, can you let go please" i tried to release kris' strong grip on my hand.

EXO-L DIARIES: THE EXO ONE SHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now