18: chen

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Chen imagines

The school's carnival day is in 1 week, and my friend, jinsu have been nagging me to come with her.

She says its fun to go to a carnival, well the thing is, im better at home. I never enjoy being in a crowded place, and im not good at talking with strangers.

"Come on, ____ ah" jinsu begged.

"Why do i have to come?" I groaned.

"Well, why not? You might meet a guy" she smirked.

"There's a ton of guys coming there, of course we will meet guys" i rolled my eyes.

"I'll let you meet my boyfriend" she teased.

"Why would i want to meet him?" I looked at her strangely.

"Well, i dont know, maybe because he wants to meet you?" She raised her shoulder.

"Fine, i'll go with you to the carnival" i gave up.

"Yes! Let me call xiumin first" she got her phone to call her boyfriend.

"Before that," i stopped her, "buy me a chocolate cake that the cooking stall sells".

"I promise" she showed me her pinky finger.

I sighed, i guess going to the carnival wont be too bad right?


In the morning jinsu and i met xiumin. He looked more manly than the last time i saw him. And he told us that he want to introduce us to a friend.

Jinsu told me to sit alone on a bench while she and xiumin went to buy some soda the science stall offered. The science stall invented colourful sodas that makes you laugh non stop.

Jinsu ended up abandoning me. After about 30 minutes waiting for her and xiumin, i decided to roam on my own.

Im now standing in the magics and tricks stall. I bumped to this guy, he said he was lonely and offered to go with me.

"Anyone wants to learn magic?" The student in the stall ask.

"Miss, may i?" The guy i bumped to asked for my hand.

I put my hand on his without thinking twice, and he pulled me with him as a volunteer.

"What trick is this?" I asked the person by the counter.

"Lets start with the introduction, i guess you two dont know each other well" the person said.

"I'm chen" the guy who pulled me with him shook my hand.

"Well, my name is ____" i told him.

"Nice to meet such a beautiful lady like you, miss" he smiled and kiss my hand.

"Now lets start the tricks" the guy in the counter put a chain on both chen and my hand.

"Do we take this off now?" Chan asked.

"Nope, you just got tricked by me" the guy smirked at us.

"What?!" I shouted at his face.

"Dont see the sign here?" He pointed to a board, it says magic and tricks for lovers.

"What do you mean?" I look at him strangely.

"You should return in one hour to unlock the chains" he then shooed us.

Me and chen had no choice but to walk around with our hands chained together. But chen doesnt seem to be too bothered with it.

"That guy is a freak" i told chen.

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