SC: sehun

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To enjixx, this is your present, from AngelTan20 have fun reading.

Sena's POV

I looked at the customers drinking their bubble tea happily, while standing behind the counter waiting for more customers to come. I sighed again for a thousandth time today, work is tiring, life is tiring.

Right now i just want to go home and sleep. Sleeping is my most favorite thing in the world, some of my friends even call me sleeping idiot. But hey, what can i do, i just love it too much.

I was woken up from my daydream by the sound of ringing bell, meaning more customer is coming. I quickly stand up straight and greet the customer.

"Welcome" i greeted the costumer who entered the shop.

A man wearing black hoodie and a white mask came in. He walked to the counter where i was at and looked at the menu.

"May i take your order, sir?" I asked him politely.

"Please wait a little bit" he said rather rudely as he took out his phone.

"Ah of course sir, you can take your time" i tried to be polite, though my anger is boiling.

"Hyung, do you want some bubble tea?" He asked the person on the other line.

The guy was quiet for a few while, and nodding to the phone. He looked angry and ended his phone call. This guy sure is one rude man.

I just looked at the guy in front of me, waiting for his order. I was glaring at him, hoping he would hurry up and order something.

"2 large choco bubble tea please" he finally ordered.

"Yes sir, please wait a moment" i was relieved when he said his order.

I took out two large cups and started to prepare his bubble tea. After it was done i handed him the bubble teas and told him the price. The rude guy handed me his money and left without saying anything. That rude guy, i wanna kill him.

I was cleaning the counter when i realized that the guy left something behind. He left a key with black keychain. I debated with myself, weather i should keep it or not. In the end i kept it, in case he went back here to look for it. I sighed and put the keys into my pocket.

"Eonni, you should go now, your shift is over right?" My substitute, nayeon, came and greeted me.

"Yay, i can sleep happily now. See you tomorrow nayeon ah" i bid goodbye to the younger girl.

I changed to my clothes and took my bag before heading outside. I opened the door and felt the cold air brushed my skin. I mentally cursed myself for being lazy again, i didn't bring my coat with me. I walked hurriedly, not only i was freezing but i was hungry too.

I was walking by the park near my apartment when i saw that guy, the rude guy that bought 2 large choco bubble tea earlier. He was sitting on one of the bench, looking frustrated and beside him i also saw two empty cups.

"Agh, where did i put it?! This is bad, hyung will kill me!" He messed his already messy hair making him look sexy, he's the sexy rude jerk.

I was quite amazed imagining how a person able to drink that much bubble tea. I shook my head and proceeded to walk to my apartment. Then after a few steps i remembered the keys that he left earlier. I quickly turn my body around and went near him.

"Hi, excuse me sir" i called but he didnt bother to look at me.

I poked his shoulder to make him realise my presence. When he looked up, looking directly at my eyes, i felt my heart go numb. This guy is illegal, he made me forget everything else and only look at him.

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