8: kai

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For my chingu, happy birthday. This one shot is for you, hope u enjoyed your day reading this. :)

Kai imagines

It was summer time, the wind blows my hair softly, tickling my skin. My eyes wander around, looking at the beautiful garden full of flowers.

"Noona!" I was awaken from my dream because that one shout.

"Ugh.. Cant you let me sleep for just one hour?" I complained.

"Noona, do you wanna join us watching movie?" Baekhyun invited.

"Okay, im awake now so why not" i agreed, still feeling sleepy.

I followed behind baekhyun to the living room, where we are going to watch a movie. The rest of the boys are already seated, popcorn and drinks on the table.

The person who caught my attention was kai. He sat on the floor beside d.o, leaning his head on his hyung's shoulder. D.o sat calmly, trying to stop chanyeol who is trying to annoy kai.

"Noona, seat beside me" kai waved so i could see him.

"So what are we watching?" I asked, sitting beside kai.

"Romantic love story" tao eagerly replied.

"I thought you hated romance?" I tilted my head.

"This is so not my style" kris growled as tao cuddled closer to him.

"Yeah, and cuddling with tao is totally your style" chen teased, smirking to the older.

"Shut your ass" kris shot a glare at chen.

"Hyung, its bad to say bad words" lay commented.

"Of course its bad, thats why its called bad words" baekhyun rolled his eyes at his hyung.

"Guys, can we just watch peacefully?" I groaned at them.

"Okay, lets watch!" Chanyeol happily pressed the play button.

The movie started, the boys watched silently, focusing on the movie. Not too long, i was starting to get sleepy. I looked around, the boys were cuddling on each other cutely. Lay slept on suho's shoulder, maybe too tired.

Kai scooted closer to me, leaning my head on his arm. I looked at his face closely, he was staring back at me.

"Youre pretty noona" kai whispered.

"Are you flirting with me? You just flirt with your hyung and now your hitting on me?" I looked at his dark eyes.

"I wasnt flirting with hyung, he's being friendly. And yeah, im hitting on you noona" he added a smirk on the last word.

"Just watch the movie, i'll sleep in my room" i got flustered and stood up to leave for my room.

I closed my room's door, my back leaning on it. Did kai just confessed? But he's a player, he always try to tease girls. Such a bad habit he had, its rude to play with someone's feelings.

I decided to forget about it and hit my head on the soft pillow. Sleep is always the best solution for every problem.


Around 1 in the morning, someone knocked on my door. I sleepily headed to the door, almost tripping on my way. Kai's sleepy face and the dark circles under his eyes greeted me. I almost thought he was a ghost if not for his sexy voice. No ghost is sexy, its a fact.

"Noona, can i sleep here?" He pleaded sexily.

I think i should report for police. This sexy voice is making me daydream, though its nighttime.

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