16: sehun

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Sehun imagines

"Hey, kid, give me your money" an older girl stopped me from getting out of school.

"Im sorry, i dont think i have money with me" i tried to escape.

"Cal, theres the rich girl, lets get her money too" another girl told cal.

"Lets, but watch this girl too" she smirked to me before turning to stop another kid.

Two girls kept an eye on me, while cal called the rich girl over. She's not the nerdy type, to be exact, but she looked weak.

"Now, you two, hand your wallets!" Cal demanded.

"I dont have money with me," i said for the second time.

"Get her bag!" Cal told her followers.

I manage to resist, but her friend was stronger. She pulled my bag away from me and threw everything out. My things scattered on the ground, with my wallet.

"That's right," cal took some money from my wallet, and turned to the girl beside me, "where's yours?".

"H-here, i d-dont have much" she shuttered.

"Good girls, i'll see you tomorrow," cal threw my wallet before walking away with her.

The girl earlier wasnt even friendly, she just left me as soon as the bullies were out of sight.

Yep, another day cant pass without me losing my money. Yesterday they didnt stop me, thankfully. I am always afraid to go home, they would wait by the garden to take money from me.

"Hey, ____ ah, going home?" Luhan greeted me from afar.

The only friend i have is basically luhan, and the cold dude, sehun. It is, if they considered me as their friend too. They would probably thought im a weak girl who needs their protection.

"Yes, shall we go?" I faked a smile as they are beside me.

"Why are you picking your things from the ground?" Luhan asked.

"Its because i forgot to zip my bag" i reasoned.

"Did they bully you again today?" Cold sehun asked me.

"Not really," i started to walk out of school with them.

"They did, right? Why wont you tell me the truth?" Sehun started to talk louder.

"It is the truth," my voice cracked.

"Cant you stop that? Youre going to make her cry" luhan sided with me.

"Why are you always siding with her, hyung?" sehun protested.

"Lets just go home," luhan dragged me with him without a word.

Luhan walked me home and went to the park to meet sehun. Luhan always walk me home, and sehun always waits for his hyung by the park. I dont know why this became our routine, but it just happened that way.


A week passed without me getting bullied. Either i got away from cal and her gang, or because they arent hunting for any victims lately.

I was on my way to buy myself a drink, but i encountered one of cal's friend. She dragged me with her and called cal over to get my money.

"Its been too long isnt it? Did you miss me?" Cal smiled to me.

"I actually dont miss you that much," i spoke back.

"Oh, youre being brave today? You need to learn how to respect others" she pulled my hair so i would fall on my knees.

"Thats right, you should know your place by now" cal's follower smirked.

Cal laughed as she saw me kneeling. She pulled my money from my hand slowly, while whispering threats.

'Please, just this one last time. Please come, please' i prayed.

Cal and her gang was about to leave, but right on time sehun and luhan came.

I didnt even know what go into me, i was really happy. The fact that he came, made my heart beats faster. the fact that sehun came to help me, made me have some hope.

"Hey, hey, stop right there! Why are you picking on a girl weaker than you?" Sehun stopped cal.

"And why do you care, mr jerk?" She answered fearlessly.

"Youre such a b**ch, get lost!" He swear right to her face.

"Oh, im scared. Mr jerk is scary" cal teased sehun, "lets go girls, i wont waste any minute to deal with those losers" cal walked away with her gang.

Sehun was still eyeing them angrily even though they already left. On the other hand, luhan helped me up and asked if i was okay. Its really nice of him to do so.

"Sorry, i shouldn't get you involved" i looked down as sehun looked at me.

"Stop being weak, will you?" Sehun spoke coldly.

"Youre so rude to ____. She's trying, cant you see?" luhan scolded sehun.

"Whatever, hyung" sehun then left me with luhan.

"Dont worry, he's just going through puberty. He actually cares about you" luhan smiled to me sweetly before chasing sehun.

I stood on my spot, looking blankly at the empty hallway. Right now, i feel pathetic. I feel so stupid to think he's nice, when he's not. Why did i even hoped that he would come every time i get bullied? He's so cold to me, he might hate me too, but why do i still feel i need him?

I walked soullessly to the school's roof, hoping to get fresh air from there. To my luck, the wind is blowing strong today. I wish its strong enough to fly these feelings away. I close my eyes, hoping that the wind would blow me instead and make me disappear.

"Why are you so weak, ____?" I asked myself, "why do you help me when you hate me, you jerk!" I shouted loudly.

I cried my eyes out, trying to get rid of the frustrating feeling. What did you ask, sehun? Why cant i tell you the truth? Because i dont want you to hate me, or pity over me. Why cant i stand for myself? Thats because i was hoping you would come every time i need you.

But whats the use now? Its all going to be in the past, you dont have to save me anymore. I dont have to get bullied anymore, or keep this feeling in my heart anymore.

Im going to do it, there is only one way to end it all. Im changing your future for you, oh sehun. I wont hang onto you anymore, i'll let go of my last hope today.

'Thank you for letting me feel hope, thank you for saving me every time, thank you for being the reason for me to stay alive and hang onto my live when its hard. My only reason is to see your face, and im happy i saw it today'

That was the last thing i whispered, before everything seem to fly away. My hand was reaching for the sky for the last time. Even when i tried not to feel this way, but my heart hopes for you again, and i know its the last time.

The last tears came out of my eyes right when i heard a loud thud. My back touched the ground, blood pooled beside me. I am happy, i wish you are too.

So, how was it? Im trying to make some sad endings for a change. Do you feel sad? I had so much heartbreaks writing this :'(
Im sorry, oh sehun.

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