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Another hard day at school ended, i made my way to the school gates alone. The sun still shines bright, making the weather humid. I took a deep breath of air as i got out of the gates. Smelling the polluted does make you cough real bad, im never going to do that again.

I have no time worrying about the polution right now, i need to study. Thats right, im here to study. I came all the way to the city, leaving my parents, to study hard and graduate.

There is this mini mart close by, and i am of course one of their top costumers. I come here every few days to buy snacks, rice packets, sandwiches, instant noodles, and breads. My favourite is the top quality, complete set of salmon rice packet. I only ate it twice, and both was bought by my friends.

The bell rang as i enter and greet the cashier guy. And today, he's here again. The cold guy who likes hanging out here, his badge spelled his name, kris. I smiled just looking at him playing with his phone. I giggle, better stay longer today.

"What shall i get today? Sandwich? Rice packets?" I mumbled.

Imagining those food, make me drool. Then i slap my face, idiot. I have no money to spend! My parents work hard to get me here, i should at least eat something cheap.

"Thats right, ____. Lets just get the bottled latte and cup ramen" i convinced myself, "its a perfect combination".

I was ready to pay and searched for my wallet, where did it go? I looked inside my bag, and found it. That was a close call for embarrassing myself.

"Thanks, come again" the cashier spoke in his low voice.

I just smiled at him and went to cook my ramen. Waiting for my ramyun to cook is a big test. Im so hungry, i can eat a whole truck of steak! I brought my ramen to an empty table opposite of kris'. So i can sneak looks witgout getting caught.

The 3 minutes pass, i was getting ready to chomp down my ramen when i heard, "chicken delivery".

I stopped my movements, kris ordered a whole pack of chicken. I gulped, must be delicious. But no, i cannot afford those chicken. No chicken until next month.

"Even food gives me stress," i sighed, madly slurping my noodles.

I drank the soup, feeling warm inside. Thats right, who need chicken anyway? I continue to eat my ramen, and accidentally, or maybe on purpose, peeked a look at kris' table. Oh, he isnt eating his chicken?

Why do i even care?! Dont be stupid, ____! I focused once again on finishing my cup ramen. It doesnt make me full, but im not wasting anymore money.

I drank my latte in one shot and put down the bottle beside the empty ramen cup. My life is a mess here, i starve for a day or two before eating a meal. And its not even rice, for chicken's sake! Wait, why am i even talking about chickens?

"Youre just too poor, ____" i bang my head on the table, making a loud thud.

I almost fell asleep before someone banged a can on the table. My eyes flutter open, ready to glare at the jerk. But instead, my vision was covered by a chicken. Whats this?

I lifted my head to see the box of chicken is now in front of me. And which startled me more, kris is sitting beside me. Of course with his phone in hand and his typical careless expression.

"What..?" I couldnt make a sentence.

"Eat," he told me, focusing on his phone.

"Sorry, what?!" I looked at him.

He turned to me, "eat some real food will ya? Not just those cheap cup ramen" he mumples the last part.

"You are buying this for me?" I ask in disbelieve.

EXO-L DIARIES: THE EXO ONE SHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now