9: baekhyun

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Baekhyun imagines

"Can we have a rest now, ____ ah?" Luhan begged.

The exo members are now trying to convince me to let them rest. Which i dont think is a good idea, why? Their manager will kill me.

Im just their clothes coordinator, yet they are begging me. I guess they tried to beg their manager but he refused.

"Its just a few more cuts, come on" i cheered them on.

"But ____ ah, we have been filming for 6 hours non stop" xiumin shockingly begged too.

"Your manager is going to kill me, now hurry take your shoot" i pushed xiumin and the other boys to the shooting area.

Today exo is filming their comeback MV. The concept is kind of fun, but shooting it 6 hours non stop does makes them tired.

"Chen, a bit to the left. Baekhyun, youre messing your clothes again!" The director shouted angrily.

"Im sorry" baekhyun bowed to him as i went to fix his clothes.

"Lets start again, from the 8th scene" the director shouted for everyone to hear.

"____ ah, im tired" baekhyun whined while leaning to my shoulders as i fix his top.

"Just bear it a while, i'll get you snacks after you're done" i gave him a pat and moved away so the shooting can continue.

"Okay, and action" the director shouted.

Even after a few shoots, the director keep scolding either the boys, their manager, the make-up and even me. Finally the director was pleased and wrapped up.

"You did great" i cheered on the guys as they went to the waiting room to change.

"Noona, do we get rest now?" Sehun asked me.

"Didnt you ask you manager?" I asked back.

"He said we could rest a few hours here before going to the next schedule" suho joined the talk.

"Arent you guys going back to the dorm to take a bath?" I asked them.

"No time, we need sleep" kris coldly said.

I handed them each their clothes and some drinks as we reached the waiting room. I also got towel to dry their sweats, although its supposed to be the manager's job.

"I think noona should be our manager instead" tao spoke out of the blue.

"Yeah, our manager hyung sucks. He even smokes" chen agreed.

"Guys, i'll be outside if you need me" i quickly went out, not wanting to hear more bad things.

I closed the waiting room's door and headed to a vending machine. I got myself a canned soda and sat on the chair.

I was staring blankly at space, thn chanyeol and baekhyun came to me. Chanyeol already changed his clothes, his sexy wet hair is killing me. While baekhyun looked at me, holding his clothes.

"Why arent you changing? Youre going to catch a cold" i scold him.

"____ ah, baekhyun needs a bath here. He has sensitive skin" chanyeol told me.

"You mean here? In this place? Is there even a proper bathroom here?" I asked wide eyed.

"Thats why, we need you to help us" baekhyun begged.

"Its only for staffs though, the hidden bathroom" i sighed.

Baekhyun instantly agreed, and told me to take him there. Chanyeol said he needed sleep so he want back to the waiting room.

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