SPC: KRIS + LUHAN (edited)

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Im sorry for those who are angry at me.. sprry i made the chap crappy and so many perverted scenes.. i will try to be better and more professional in making the chaps.. i should have rated this book as M if i made something perverted.. sorry..

Here's the edit i made..

Kris and luhan special imagines

Its a sunny day, the wind blows occasionally, making the atmosphere warm. I walked slowly down the street, making my way to the place i used to hate, school. The streets didnt change a bit from what i remember.

Its been six long years since i graduated from high school, how i missed the old days. Students were running around, laughing with each other and having fun. I smiled, picturing it in my brain.

I used to have this one sided love, its just a little crush, but i never forgotten about it. I wondered if i would regret not telling him about my feelings, we could have been together now. But in the end, what would happen just happens, its in the past anyway.

Flashback 6 years ago...

I was doing my homework with kris, luhan and tao in class that day. Kris said he wanted me to teach him english, even when his english is better than mine. But i let him be, if it wasnt for this feelings i have, i would have killed the guy.

"Kris, wanna join us for a round of basketball later?" Tao, one of the tall guys in class, asked kris.

"Nah, i'm going to stay over at ____'s place tonight, my parents are away" kris replied to his best friend.

"Too bad you had ____, we were going to meet up with some pretty girls" luhan, the pretty guy, said.

"Yah, dont make it sound like ____ is ugly" kris scolded the two.

"I didnt say she is ugly, but this world have so many prettier faces" luhan smirked to me as he said it.

"Thanks for reminding me, pretty boy" i rolled my eyes at him.

"Its the truth though, ____ ah" tao sided with his friend.

"Shut up before i change my mind and kill you two" i warned them.

"Then, we'll just leave you, just to survive" luhan laughed as he and tao left.

I saw tao giggle like a teenage girl as he and luhan left. I dont even know why im friends with people like them. I guess they loved matching me and kris too much, it makes me want to kill them. I wonder how kris feels.

"Dont mind them, ____ ah, i still think youre pretty" kris tried cheering me up.

"Im not minding them. Those bipolar girls" i mumbled the last sentece.

Does kris like me? He just said im pretty, which means.. nah, im not going into conclusions this easily.

"Cant i just borrow your book? Its easier that way" he asked, looking at his empty book lazily.

"No, you cant. Do your own work!" I shook my head.

"Ah, why? You always let luhan and tao do it" he said plainly.

What should i do with you, kris? I was hoping he would beg cutely like the two friend he mentioned, but he didnt. Isnt he just too cold? Acting all cool and chic, arent you?

"At least they tried asking me nicely" i said.

"Didnt i just ask you nicely?" He protested, looking at me at the eyes, why does he have to use my weakness?

I sighed, "fine, but its the very last time" i told him and he nodded.

"Next time, i'll let you do it for me" he said without any tone.

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