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I stood in the kitchen, waiting for another sushi order. I looked around the shop and i saw that guy again, that handsome looking guy. He always came to our sushi restaurant at friday night.

He looked like the normal rich guy, always bringing a new girl every time he came. I never once seen him brought the same girl for 5 weeks. It always change every time i saw him. And all the girls were super gorgeous.

Its kind of weird how he treated every girl politely. He never forget to bring flower for the girl, pull out the seat for her and all of that gentleman stuff.

Ever since i saw him the first time, he has always been in my mind. My heart always flutter at the thought of him being mine. My cheeks blushed when i imagine his face. is this what they called love?

But then, he always had girls around him, why would he like me? I realized that i was in a one sided love with that rich guy.

"Argh, my stupid brain" i hit my head.

I would never have a chance with him. He's rich and im just a girl who works in a sushi place and smells like fish. I sighed again for the thousand time, he would never be your prince charming, ____ ah.

"Yah, ____ ah!" Chanmi unnie waved her hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked, still in a daze.

"I have been calling you a thousand time for that salmon sushi, where is it? i need to bring that to the customer. Focus on your work, we have lots of customers waiting!" she said in a annoyed tone.

"Im sorry unnie, I'll make it right now" i said as i began preparing the sushi.

I quickly make the sushi, maybe working hard will make me forget about him.


"Ahh so tired" i finally sat on a chair after a long night of working.

I looked at the clock and it's almost closing time. I looked at the seating area for the customers through the little window and there's only that guy left. I saw the girl left him first, so that means that he will leave in a little bit.

"____ ah, there's only one table left so I'm leaving first" Chanmi unnie said.

I looked at her and she already changed her clothes, prepared to leave. She got her bag with hear and wore her jacket.

"But unnie how could you leave, it's not closing time yet" i said, obviously annoyed by her actions.

"This little kid! Do you want me to report to the boss that you was slacking today?" she glared at me, feeling like she won.

"Im sorry, please arrive safely" i said to her, i cannot afford losing this job.

Yeah, go ahead and arrive in the sea safely. I hope she drowns and just die. She is super annoying and all. She always manage to turn something normal into a really bad thing. No wonder everyone called her the wicked witch.

"Bye, unnie is going" she waved in front of me with a smug face.

Tsch, what a b*tch. I just ought to kill her someday" i mumbled.

I picked up a mop and start mopping the dirty kitchen floor. After halfway done cleaning the kitchen i was really exhausted, so i decided to take a little break. I sat on the chair that is placed in the kitchen, waiting for the floor to dry after i mopped it.

"Excuse me, bill please!" I heard a male voice calling.

I ignored it, serving the customers is not my job. I work in the kitchen, serving the customers is that witch's job.

EXO-L DIARIES: THE EXO ONE SHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now