KRISmas special

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For christmas, i present to you... the long awaited krismas special!! And just like the title, there's kris!!

Just, merry christmas and i love u all :)


Tomorrow is christmas eve and i have no other things to do than watching drama and eating delivered pizza. Its been some sort of tradition for my parents to go out on a so called date to the movies and i would stay home alone and enjoying my romantic time with my laptop.

But this year is unexpectedly different, my friend from work asked me out for a party at her place. Though im not that sure yet if i can give up missing an episode of the handsome faces in my favourite dramas.

"Thats good to hear, you should go out with your friends sometimes and not just rot in your own room" my mom said as i told her about the invitation.

"Is it okay if i leave the house empty?" I ask, trying to stay home.

"Of course, your mom and i always wanted you to go out so we can have our date in the house" my dad added.

I rolled my eyes, having them as parents dont help. Such annoying parents i have.

"Okay, fine. Im going, but just because i dont want you throwing money at the movies" i groaned.

And so, it really happened. I am right now in front of my friend jung minhee's house, wearing a bright red skirt and white sweater. And as you guessed, my mom forced me to use the skirt.

"Tell mr and mrs jung we said merry christmas" mom waved.

Yep, they insist on taking me to minhee's place on their own. I mean, im already 19 for goodness sake.

"Have fun dear, we'll be at home" my dad shouted as they drove away.

"Yeah, right. Its going to be fun partying in my friend's house" i sarcastically spoke to the door, not realising its opened.

"I hope you dont mean me?" Minhee is already in front of me.

"Oh, hi. I didnt know youre there" i awkwardly smiled.

"Right, why dont you come in" she let me enter.

Inside the house were already 3 other guys i barely know. One looks like he works in a company, judging from his formal clothes. Another guy wore a white shirt and too short pants, maybe he's the flirty type. And lastly is a guy wearing gray hoodie and ripped black pants, he wore round glasses and seemed kind of cute.

"____ ah, have a seat" minhee said.

"Come here darling, come to daddy" the guy using short pants pats the empty seat beside him.

"Babe, she's flustered" the guy using formal clothes slapped the other guy.

"Dont mind them, theyre a bit-" minhee pushed me down on the chair beside her.

"Why? Whats wrong with us huh?" Shortpants said.

Minher rolled hiler eyes, "anyways, ____ ah, this is kris, my boyfriend i told you about" she pointed at the shortpants.

"Yeah, nice meeting you pretty lady. You can call me daddy" he winks.

"And i am suho, heir of samsang company" he reached out his hand.

I took his handshake, "nice to meet you, suho ssi".

"Now, this is zitao, kris' cousin" minhee finally told me the silent cute guy's name, "he just moved from china a few weeks ago".

"Nice to meet you, ____ ah" he extended a hand which i gladly take.

"Guys, this is ____, she works with me in the cafe. Just a part time worker, though" minhee said.

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