14: baekhyun

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Baekhyun imagines

"Yah, ____ ah, did someone ask you out for prom?" My friend, jooni asked as we made way to our usual lunch table.

"Nope. Why would someone even ask me out?" I rolled my eyes and sat on the chair.

"Are you crazy? This is bad, i should find someone to be your date" jooni checked her phone.

"Ehey, whose number are you looking for? Im not even coming" i stole her phone.

"Come on, im going there with my date. Are you letting me go alone?" Jooni looked at me puppy eyed.

"And who will be your date?" I asked her, while playing with my food.

"Of course its channie, who else could it be?" She took her phone and texted chanyeol, her boyfriend.

I shrugged, whatever happens im still not going to that stupid prom night. I'll be all alone there, since jooni has her date. It better just to stay home and watch some movies.

"I called chanyeol, he said he will introduce you to his friend" jooni clapped her hands.

"What are you doing? I already told you im not going" i pouted.

Its not like im anti-boys or something, but i had this bad memory from a few years ago. It was before i knew jooni, it was before i even knew how scary the world was.

I used to be friends with the bad girls and the bad boys. There were a few who smoked and drank alcohol and get into fights. They would go to an empty house, and hang out there after school. Its either partying or having "fun" until morning.

I used to like this one guy, i didnt know why i liked bad boys back then. He was tall and cold, but he cared for me. Thats what i thought, until one night when he hurt me.

"Yah! Are you daydreaming again?" Jooni hit me, waking me up.

"Yeah, it was scary" i told her as i continued to eat.

"Chanyeol is coming, look there" i didnt bother turning around, not interested in this guy Chanyeol will introduce.

Jooni moved in front of me so she can sit beside chanyeol. And i was stuck with this guy i just knew. I felt awkward and i know he does too.

"So, ____ ah, this is my best friend, baekhyun. And baek, this is my girlfriend's friend, ____" chanyeol introduced us happily.

"Uh, nice to meet you baekhyun ssi" i looked down and shook his hand.

"Yeah, me too. I mean, nice to meet you too" baekhyun spoke cutely.

His voice is nice, his hand is so soft. I thought i could melt hearing his voice all day. I could feel myself burning.

"Why arent you looking at each other?" Jooni complained.

"I told you im not going to the prom" i shot.

"You two havent even looked at each other's face" chanyeol was on his girlfriend's side.

"Its okay, we're good" this baekhyun guy answered.

"We're not okay with this" chanyeol said and yooni nodded.

Yooni took my face and forced me to look at baekhyun's face. And chanyeol did the same with baekhyun. I tried looking away but failed, i had no choice but to look at his face.

"That right, hold it for a minute" yooni smirked, i know she did.

I looked at baekhyun's face, scanning his beautiful features. His glasses make him look like a nerd, but he is still cute. His deep brown eyes looked into mine. His cute little nose, and his plump lips, every thing. He looked perfect, too perfect for me.

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