19: baekhyun

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Baekhyun imagines

Im in my room, sitting in front of my laptop, watching dramas. Some opened chips are beside me, and some new one stocked under my bed. Everyone knows, eating while watching drama is the best.

"____ ah, me and your dad is going out tonight" my mom entered my room without knocking.

"Yeah, sure. I'll just order some pizza" i didnt take my eyes off my laptop.

"____! Cant meet someone already? Look at all this mess" my mom complained.

"Mom! Im still 20, i have a lot of time!" I complained.

"I met your father when i was 18, and you dont even have a boyfriend" my mom pointed.

"Oh come on, its not like im doing bad things. Im just not interested in dating, yet" i told her.

My mom frowned, "you dont have to be interested! You know what, youre coming with us tonight!".

"But mom--" she cut me off, she always does.

"No buts, and clean your room, your a girl!" My mom then left.

I rolled my eyes at her back. Its not like im in the age where i should be having kids, I'm only 20, for goodness sake! And now i have to leave my dramas for tonight, im in the middle of something fun.

I opened my closet, picking something to wear. My white backless dress? Nah. How about mini skirt? Too formal. Then i found my short pink dress. Perfect.

"Are you ready, ____ ah?" My dad calls.

"Coming" i replied, taking a pink bag and my phone with me.

My mom smiled widely as she saw me coming out from my room, "you look beautiful" she said.

"Yeah? Haven't use this dress in a long time" i said.

"Lets go," my dad called from the car.

My mom and i entered the car and my dad drove us to a fancy restaurant. My dad said he has a meeting, and he wants me to meet his friend's son. Great, its a set up date for me, isnt it?

I followed my parents as they went out of the car and entered the restaurant. The waiter leaded us to a private room, where we will meet mr and mrs byun, as my dad says.

"You better behave well, and please consider him" my mom whispered.

"Mom, i know how to behave. And how would i know if i never meet him yet?" I whispered back.

"I just want you to consider the guy, and date him" my mom smiled as she entered the room.

I sighed and followed behind her. Dad and mom smiled widely and exchange hugs with mr and mrs byun. I bowed to both before taking my eat by the side, in front of a guy.

"Gosh, jinae ya, you didnt change" mrs byun greeted my mom.

"You too. We havent meet for a long time, it has been 10 years right?" Mom greeted back.

"Right, i want you to meet my son, baekhyun" mrs byun said.

This baekhyun guy bowed to my parents and smiled. Well, his smile is charming and he seemed polite.

"____ ah, why dont you and baekhyun have a talk?" My mom smiled.

"Okay, mom" i agreed and turned to baekhyun.

"My name is baekyun," he said.

"Im ____" i replied him awkwardly.

And we didnt talk at all when dinner arrived. Our parents were talking and laughing, catching up with each other. I took a glance at baekhyun, and he was staring back at me. He turned away, blushing cutely.

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