29: d.o

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Dyo - gives seat at bus

Its saturday night, and im still working overtime at the mini mart. The guy who should work after my shift said he will be late. The weather is kinda chilly, but the breeze felt good on you skin.

Soon enough he came to replace me. After apologizing, the guy replaced me, so now im free to go. I got my jacket and bag before leaving the minimart.

The wind blew my hair, i felt a chill creep inside my jacket. Now i regret saying its a good weather. I feel like dying!

Luckily the bus stop is near, at least i can seat for a bit. I started imagining going home and taking a bubble bath, that would be nice and relaxing.

Oh the bus is here! I was about to get on, but seeing how full it was, i sat back down. Maybe the next wont be so crowded.

I wait another 15 minutes, fidgeting with my phone. And guess what, the next buss is also full. This is just great. I have no choice but to get on.

The later i go home, the scarier it gets. There are news about bad guys kidnapping a woman around her 20s. And the body was found a week later, floating on the river with her body swollen and a leaf crown on her head. Just imagining that makes me shiver.

"Sorry," i accidentally stepped on someone's foot as i get on.

"Its okay" he replied, his voice caught my attention.

I looked up finding a man in his 20s. He had a suit on, seems like he  works in a company. His face looked tired but he still manage to give off the charismatic vibe.

"Is there something wrong, miss?" He ask after realizing i was staring at him.

"No, not at all. I was just interested in your voice" i replied, feeling stupid afterward.

He didnt say anything else, which could mean he thinks im a freak for saying so. I surely mess up things easily. Right, im always stupid with words.

"Oooppss," just then i felt a hand brush on my butt.

It was a jerk. He pretend to sway with the moving butt, his hand keeps touching my butt. I mean, i dont even wear any good clothes. Just a short sleeved top and ripped jeans.

"Whoooppsss" he did it again, for the 6th time, dont get me wrong i didnt count.

I was about to turn to him and slap him hard on the face. But the man from earlier beat me to it.

"Dont be such an asshole and go to a freaking club, if you wanna have fun with woman, you dickhead!" The man shouted and gave him a hard punch.

He got all the attention from the people on the bus. Which is great. Now i have to face yet another embarrassing moment.

"Sit here," his voice was strict.

I flinch as the man sat me on an empty seat after some people got off last stop. I thought the matter was over after the jerk left, but nope. This man keep standing beside me the whole time. Making me uncomfortable.

"How many more stops?" He suddenly spoke.

"Uh, two more stops" i wasnt sure if its okay to tell him.

After two stops i got off the bus. and guess what? The man also got off after me. Oh god, is he a stalker or something? I tried walking faster to avoid him.

"Miss" i felt him toich my shoulder softly, "you dropped your doll".

"Oh, thanks" i got it from him.

Wait, i have no doll dangling on my bag. Where did he get this doll? I looked at the penguin doll he gave.

"Im sorry, its not mine" i tried returning it to him.

"Its yours now" he smiled, his mouth shaped like a heart.

"Oh," was all i could say.

"I'll take you home, miss" he offered.

"You dont have to, really" i declined but he keep on saying its okay.

And here we are, standing in front of my apartment. I thanked the man a million times for taking me home and beating the jerk earlier.

"Its nothing," he smiled, "i was glad i could help you with the jerk".

"Well, i should get in now. Please go home safely" i bowed to him.

"Alright, see you around, miss" he waved goodbye and walked away.

I got in my apartment and took a quick shower, not in the mood for a bubble bath. I got on my bed, examining the penguin doll i just got. Its really cute, the round doey eyes must be the best feature.

I rolled on bed hugging the doll. For the first time i felt warm inside and i wanna scream just imagining how manly the man was. Oh no, i didnt even know his name. How will i ever find him again.

Then i found a tag on the doll. It says, " to miss honey, from do kyungsoo".

How did he know my nickname? I got it from high school, though. Or is he, an old friend of mine? He even put his number on the tag. I was thinking of calling him, but i might seem a bit too clingy. I just met him.

I push away the tought and tucked myself inside the blankets. The penguin doll resting beside me.

"Goodnight, mr do" i whispered before drifting to sleep.

Sorry it took me too long to update this. So so sorry. Im always thankful for those who waited for my update. I should update more often i know, but school isnt helping so i will try my best. Pls dont leave me bcs i update slow 😭😭😭 just realise that i havent update for 3 months wow.. sorry..
Bye now.

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