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College is supposed to be the time of your life, everyone said. But not me. Why? Im having a hard time fulfilling my dad's wish, since my dad wants me to be a famous ballerina. And i dont even have a single friend. Its like im an outcast, and thats what my dad really wants.

Everyone thinks im one of those students who go to college to graduate and then follow my parents steps. Both of them are musicians, by the way. But im actually not that interested in music, so my dad made me major in ballet.

"Thats all for today class," the coach said, "dont eat too much or you will gain weight" she reminded and left.

"Well, that was fast," i checked my watch, 12.15.

I have a good 45 minutes for lunch before my english lesson. My parents dont want me to waste time, instead they made me learn so many stuff i'm dying. I have my english lesson and yoga class.

"Yah, ____ ah, wait up" someone called.

Oh right, i do have a 'friend'. I call him the food guy, why? He keeps on stealing my food, and then he would give me his food. Though i cant eat that much, i need to maintain my weight.

"I have my yoga lesson, no food" i keep checking my watch.

"Come on, its my treat today" he pulled me to a japanese resto.

The place isnt that far from the school, and its quite nice. It does seem like quite an expensive resto. This guy must be out of his mind, really.

"Park, this place seems expensive. Lets go out--" i whispered.

"Nope, we're eating here" he smirked.

I have no choice but to follow whatever he says. I open the menu and my eyes almost popped, they only sells sets. How many calories would that be? Im so doomed.

"We'll take 2 sushi sets and tea, please" he ordered.

"The food is too much, im going to have an upset stomach" i told him.

"How many times do i have to tell you, you look fine. You need food to live" he smiled.

"Really, park?" i eyed him, "you need food to live, not me. Lucky you majored in music"

"Why? Arent we a good couple?" he winked.

The food came not too long after. And we ate in silence. More like im trying to eat and park chanyeol is watching me with a smile on his face.

"Cant you stop, please" i asked.

"No cant do," he shook his head.

"I dont have much time, park. I have my lesson" i reminded.

"I know, thats why im watching you. So you would eat" his gaze didnt left me.

"Why dont you look for a friend who eats a lot, and you can treat them all you want" i rolled my eyes.

"You said youre running out of time, why dont you hurry and finish that?" He pointed.

"I hate you, park chanyeol" i glared at him.

In the end i managed to finish the food, and i got to my lesson on time. Luckily the instructor didnt notice me being late, or im really doomed.

After 2 long hours of english lesson, i went out to go home. And you've guessed, park chanyeol is waiting by the entrance with a box of cake in hand.

"Come, lets hurry and eat the cake. My hands are frozen" he walked beside me.

"Stupid," i mumbled, "let me hold it, you go use this" i took the cake box and handed him a hotpack.

EXO-L DIARIES: THE EXO ONE SHOTS BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now