2: sehun

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2: sehun imagine

The waiting room was filled with noise as i enter. As i have guessed, the boys are into trouble again.

"Yah! Chanyeol-ah, give me back my eyeliner!" Baekhyun shouted.

"Kris hyung, does this look good on me? Or shall i use this one?" Tao asked kris.

"Guys, keep it down please!" Suho was being ignored again

"Hyung, hyung, hyung" sehun keeps on calling his luhan hyung.

"What is it?" Luhan sounded annoyed.

"Cant we get some bubble tea?" Sehun pleaded.

"But the show will start in 15 minutes, hun-ah" luhan told him.

"Ah, hyung~" the maknae used his puppy eyes.

"Ehem.. Guys, i need you to get ready backstage" you tried to catch their attention.

Instantly you failed, of course. No one can beat these guys. No wonder suho looked stressed, its so hard to control these boys.

"Who are you?" Suho eyed me from head to toe.

"Im your substitute anager for the mean time, since your manager is going to resign" i told them.

"Our manager hyung is going to resign? He told you that?" Baekhyun was first to shout at me.

"Well, yes. He is planning to move to another city, and the CEO wants me to be your manager" i said.

"Permanently?" Sehun's eyes sparkled as he spoke.

"Well i dont know about that.." I said.

"Yes! We will have a pretty manager~" sehun high-fived luhan.

"Guys, lets introduce ourselves first" suho ordered them, but he was ignored.

"Its okay, i actually already know you guys. And we are running out of time, go backstage now" i pushed them outside the waiting room.

The members checked their mics backstage while im just watching them. Im kind of new, so i dont really know what to do.

"Exo on rehersal, cue!" The pd called.

I watched the boys for a moment before playing with my phone. I opened some news and all.

"Manager nim!" A PD called.

"Ne" i walked to him.

"Sehun doesnt want to practice again, please tell him to cooperate" he told me.

"Ne, im sorry" i bowed to him and headed to the stage.

"Manager nim is here, its your fault" i heard kai scold sehun as i approach.

"Sehun, what happen here?" I went beside him.

He was standing in the middle of the stage with his mouth pouting. The boys were all surrounding him and telling him to dance but he didnt budge.

"Manager nim, sehun is having his bad moods again" luhan told me.

"Bad mood? Are you having your period or something?" I joked.

"No! I want bubble tea!" Sehun whined.

"Sorry, he's always like that" suho whispered to me.

"Can you go down now? The other guests also need a rehearsal" the PD told me.

"Ne, im sorry. Im so sorry" i bowed to the PD.

The boys went back to the backstage. We have around 30 minutes before the show starts, and i think the boys need to have a proper rehearsal.

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