11: kai

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Kai imagines

I was seating in class, with my friend in front of me. She always liked gossiping, and im just the typical 'i-dont-care-much' type.

"Yah! ____ ah, did you hear the news?" My friend, jihyun asked me.

"Huh? What news are you talking about?" I asked, looking at her.

"Aish, that guy is playing with girls again" she told me.

"Who? Kai you mean?" I didnt really care about school's gossip.

"Yeah! And guess what? He is playing with d.o's ex!" She shouted to my ears.

"And so? Like i cared" i rolled my eyes at her behavior.

"You have to care, isnt he your boyfriend to be? That girl is such an ass" jihyun complained to me.

"What are you saying? boyfriend to be? " i scoffed.

"Come on, d.o likes you and you liked him" jihyun squealed like a girl, well she is a girl.

"Yeah, right. Like you know he likes me" I rolled my eyes.

She turned my head to face the left side and there was d.o. That cute looking nerd. I do admit he is cute, but its not like i like him.

"Shh.. See that? He's looking at you" her whisper gave me goosebumps.

"Hey, he's staring to space" i pushed he face away.

"Ooh.. He's coming, oh gosh!" Jihyun fixed herself.

I turned to my left, and d.o is already standing beside me. He was fidgeting with his fingers, looking nervously at me.

"Uh, can i talk to you for a moment, ____ ah?" He asked cutely.

"Okay," i agreed and jihyun squealed for the tenth time today.

"I'll.. Borrow her.. For a while" d.o said to jihyun and left awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh! He just talked to me!" Jihyun squealed in my ears again.

"See you later then" i waved at her.

In front of the class, in the halls..

We were just standing there awkwardly. D.o seemed like he wanted to say something but he keeps on playing with his fingers. Now that i see him this close, he looked so cute. Like as cute as a penguin.

"Uh, so.. I wondered if you can do me a favour?" He bit his lips.

"Of course i would love to help you, so what shall i do?" I answered him cheerfully.

"Thanks, i just need you help to.. Uh.. You know.." He was shuttering again.

"You liked jihyun dont you?" i laughed at his cuteness.

"How.. How did you know?" His eyes widen.

"That girl said you are always looking at me, but i know youre looking at her" i winked.

"Will you help me.. Confess, then?" He asked cutely.

"I told you, i'll help" i nodded to him.

"Thanks a lot" he smiled wide and hugged me.

I was shocked at his reaction. Does confessing his love means this much? Until he could hug a random person? Im not close with him, just an okay relationship as friends.

"Oh sorry" he pulled back with red cheeks.

"Youre so cute, i bet jihyun would scream seeing that" i smiled to him.

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