10: chanyeol

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10: chanyeol imagines

I was resting my head on the table, feeling a bit bored. I suddenly felt someone's hand on my forehead. I looked up, finding my boyfriend, chanyeol's face looking at me.

I smiled, "hey, did you eat lunch?" I asked him.

"Nah. I was lonely because you didnt came. Are you sick?" His hand still hasnt left my forehead.

"Are you trying to check if i am sick or are you trying to make skinship?" I joked.

"Do you want to go to the nurse office?" He still looked serious.

"Sure, i'll go there and then i'll meet a guy-" i was teasing him, but he cut me off.

"Dont you dare, ____ ah! I will take you there and stay with you" chanyeol glared at me.

"You dont have to though, im okay" i smiled at his jealous face.

"Hey, ____ ah, do you want to watch a movie on the weekend? I just--" he didnt stop speaking and smiled every now and then.

I didnt really listened to him, i was looking at his face. His handsome face is really to die for. He is one of those famous guys in school, while im just a normal student.

I smiled as he was smiling widely to me. I didnt really know what he was talking about but im happy as long as he is happy. Im smiling as long as he is smiling.

"Hello? Are you listening, ____ ah?" Chanyeol waved his hand in front of my face.

"Uh.. Yeah" i nodded, waking up from my daydream.

"I know you didnt listen, you always stare into blank space" chanyeol pouted cutely.

"I was listening, i just thought about our first meeting. How did we meet again?" i told him my thoughts.

"Did you just tell me that you forgot about our first meeting? Wah, im so disappointed" chanyeol sulked.

I smiled really wide, "of course i still remembered clearly, how you would visit the nurse office all the time back then".

"Then did you remember when we were sleeping on the bed, just the two of us. And when the nurse came in--" here he goes again, talking all day long.

I wonder if this guy ever get tired of talking. Maybe i should give him a punishment to not talk at all for one day? Its not that im tired listening to him, but every time he speaks, every time he moves his soft pink lips, im always mesmerized. I cant help it, he's hot.

"See? Youre not listening again. Are you sure you still loved me?" Chanyeol pouted, his eyes looked at me annoyed.

"I will never stop loving you, channie. Youre just too perfect, i cant seem to focus every time you speak" i told him, holding his giant hands.

"Then, should i stop talking? You never seem to listen and im just wasting my--" he was talking too much again, so i pecked his lips to stop him.

"I think you should really stop talking, channie. You know i cant help but kiss you every time you talked for too long" i told him.

Chanyeol's smile got wider, "i wont stop talking. So kiss me all you want babe, you know im always ready" he smirked.

I shook my head, "why did i even fall for you in the first place?".

Chanyeol didnt say a word, but he just looked at me deeply. His eyes showed how much he wanted to speak up, but he is trying to hold it.

"Dont hold it anymore, just talk all you want. I'll try to make myself listen" i laughed at his cute face.

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