22: kai

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For my bestie, jyn11p, happy bday.. sorry i posted this late.. :')

Kai imagines

My mom keeps nagging as soon as i entered the house. Im tired from work, stressed and weak mentally, but here i am, sitting in front of my mom.

She didnt even feed me food when i get home nowadays. Instead she keeps on feeding me with her never ending rants. And her reason is? I need to find a guy to marry.

I hated the fact that my mom want me to just marry any guy that looks decent and polite. Well, too bad for her, that doesnt work for me. I want to be in a relationship where i can feel loved, and i want my relationship to be passionate.

Just because my mom meets my dad at a night club and got pregnant due to being drunk, doesnt mean i have to do that too. Who would want to get laid on the first time meeting each other? Especially getting her virginity tqken away and given a child as a present. Not me, thank you.

I rather rot alone as an old woman who never date a guy. That a better title than a woman who got laid by a rich guy. My dad is rich at that time, and my mom only work on the night club. Dont ask me what happen, but they just happen to forget about the thing called protection.

"Park ____, are you even listening to your mother?!" She shouted.

"Yes, mom" i answered in a bored tone.

"Why cant you seduce some guy at work, like your sister does" my mom complained, "you inherited my pretty face and perfect body for nothing".

"Sherry is more like a wh**e if you ask me, and i wont be like her, or you" i sip the last bit of my drink and went to my room.

"____! How dare you call your sister a wh**e?! Come back here and apologize, right away!" I could hear my mom's shouts.

"Its the truth, anyway" i sais to myself.

I locked my room door, in case either my sister or mom bother me later. Then i threw myself on the bed, trying to gain more energy from it. Which obviously didnt work, at all.

I took a quick bath before continuing my work. A can coffee accompanied me, as the sound of my typing filled the room.

"Oh, im out of coffee" i mumbled as i checked the personal fridge in my room.

Its 1 in the morning, so i just decided to stop working. I checked my social media and chats, if i missed some important news, but i didnt.

There is this one chat from my friend from work, rumi, that caught my attention. She sent me a link, saying its for online blind date, and it worked for her.

I clicked the link, because im curious, not beacuse im interested. The web asks me to sign up, and i filled it all up. As i got in, i could see so many people are on right now. I mean, who would do this kind of thing at dawn? Not sane people i guess.

I scrolled trough the page, nothing interesting. There's button where we can choose a partner to date, either its from the opposite sex, or the same.

"Oh my gee, ewh! Who would want to see two girls or two guys making out after using this d*mn web?" I mumbled, scared of the web.

I closed the web, and jumped to my bed, ready to sleep. I hope i can complain this to rumi tomorrow.


"Gosh, girl, it works for me" she told me after i was done complaining.

We were sitting in one of the tables in the office canteen, facing each other. The menu today is teriyaki chicken and seaweed soup, one of my favourites.

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