Chapter 7

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"Last time I check it was at..."

"225." Ashley said almost afraid she would put someone down. But it was the exact opposite.

Everyone just clapped their hands. "Very impressive, Ashley." Scott and Avi stated together.

"Were you stereotyping me?"

"No, Ashley, we weren't." Scott and Avi said in unison again.

"Good, now let's continue, where we're we."

"Me, Alpha." Kirstie raised her hand.

"Wow I as hoping I wouldn't have to strike an Omega today but you proved me wrong, Kirstin."

Kirstie quickly jumped into her Omega position after she realized her mistake.

"Since it is your first day and you surprised me by how fast you got into your Omega position I won't strike you, but do it again today and I will."

"Thank you, Ashley.

Kirstin Taylor Maldonado (Kirstie)
Age:23 unmated;
I was in the same pack as Mitch. I have bruises all over my body from being hit and raped twice."

Avi seemed to loosen up after Kirstie spoke. Ashley noticed this almost immediately and took note for a later time. Avi went next:

"Avriel Kaplan-"

Scott interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt but, I know that name somewhere."

"Try school, Scott. I was a senior when you were a sophomore. You and I didn't get along very well."

"Oh, right now I remember, hey maybe we'll get along better now. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you."

"It's fine, Alpha."

"Did I forget to tell you I also don't like to be called Alpha or Sir."

"Um... ya you did." Everybody said in unison even Ashley.

Ashley taking note at what Scott and Avi were talking about. She knew she had to get them to work together so they could be counted on.

"Anyways carry on Avi." Ashley said.

"Avriel Kaplan (Avi)
Age:27 no mate;
My dad hit me a lot for not wanting to be a lead. I have complained to the police multiple times. But my dad lied about hitting me so he never got convicted."

"Ok thank you, Avi. So I have a lot of paper work to do but this is more important I am going to assign an Alpha to an Omega. Alpha's it's your job to watch over them. If you get close to them that's ok talk to me before you do anything major, though. Omega's you already know what your job is. Ok so, Scott, and Mitch. And Avi and Kirstie. I'll stay with Jasmine since I have already marked her. Omega's go make the rooms look nice for the other Alpha's please, Jasmine take it easy."

"I am going to make a phone call to the counsel to have y'all reranked. I'll be back." Ashley left to make the call.

Meanwhile, the Alpha's caught up.

"So, Scott what got you into this pack."

"I think Ashley really need another Alpha. My dad just hit me everywhere, literally. I had a small surgery to repair some internal bleeding." Just then Scott's phone rang. "Excuse, me Avi."

Scott got up and went into the doorway where he could talk to his father without being disrupted. "Hello d-"

"Where are you!"

"My packs house, why?" Scott said trying to keep his calm.

"Since when do you have a pack?"

"As of this morning."

"The one you were talking to yesterday in the hospital."

"Yes, that one."

"Let me talk to that weak leader of yours."

"If you call someone who can lift 225 weak yes you can." Scott said walking towards the kitchen where Ashley just got off the phone with the counsel.

Scott handed her, his phone. "It's my dad."

Ashley took the phone and said, "hello?"

"Did I tell you, you could take my son into your weak little pack?!" Ashley began walking towards the door to go outside.

"Listen carefully now. I DON'T need your permission to take Scott into my pack."

"I want to meet with you. At your house."

"Fine." Ashley told the address to him and went back inside.

"In about 30 minutes Scott's dad is going to be here. As soon as he leaves we are going to the counsel."
30 minutes later a knock was on the door. Ashley got up and answered it and let Scott's dad, Rick, come in. "Avi why don't you go make sure the Omega's are ok?"

Avi figured out what she meant so he left and grabbed the Omega's and stayed in one room while the other Alphas were talking.

"Dad, this is The Alpha, Alpha, my dad."

Ashley stood there in a position so he could look her over.

"How much can you lift?"

"225." Ashley said like it was nothing.

"Why did you pick my son?"

"Because I thought he looked strong." Ashley tried.

Rick scoffed, "my son, strong?"

"Standing rig-"

"Don't speak Scott." Ashley interrupted.

"Yea he can lift over 200 also. How much can you lift?"

"That's not important. You can't take my son." Rick growled

Ashley just growled back but louder her eyes going red. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, dad."

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do." He spat back.

"I am going to say this once so listen close. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW."

"Oh, yea and what if I don't."


Rick scoffed and left. Jasmine came flying out of the room as soon as Rick had left.

"Hi, pumpkin."

"Hi, Ashley. Are you alright?" Ashley's eyes going back to normal. While, Jasmine still stayed there strong Omega blue color.

"I'm fine pumpkin." Ashley said pulling away from the hug to see her eyes. "God I love those eyes but please change them back."

"Sorry, Ashley. Better?"

"Very much thanks." Ashley kissed Jasmine before speaking again. "Ok, we have a counsel to get to."

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