Chapter 12

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"Ok, then I'm going to go find them, then." Ashley said then got up and walked to the kitchen quickly to whisper to Jasmine, "expect a minor punishment tonight, baby girl." Ashley lightly bit on her ear lob and walked away. Then walked towards the bedrooms.

Ashley found them all in Mitch's bedroom, singing Rather Be by Clean Bandit. Ashley found herself joining in by the bridge with a lead melody. When the song was over the Omega's were clapping at Avi and Ashley.

"Hey, Ashley, did you need something?" Mitch asked curiously for why she was standing there.

"Yes, I did, Avi I realized you called me Alpha three times today. So I have to punish you, give me your phone."

Avi got up and handed Ashley his phone. "See me tomorrow after supper and I'll give it back to you."

"Sorry, Ashley."

"It's fine, Avi," Ashley said while Avi was heading back to his seat.

"Hey Ashley, why don't you join us?"

"I will if Jasmine and Scott can join us also."

"Definitely. What about Kevin?" Mitch asked feeling he would leave someone out if he didn't ask.

"How about we move this to the Kitchen. So Kevin can join us also?"

Everyone nodded their head so the Omegas jumped up and ran to the kitchen Avi following them in back with Ashley. Ashley stopped Avi for a second to ask him something. "Hey, Avi, how you holding up there it looks like your struggling around Mitch?"

"It's a little hard but I know that there is nothing about it I can do because he isn't my Omega."

"Ok just making sure, because I could smell him from the other side of the house and I was struggling." Ashley and Avi joined the rest of them in the Kitchen right before Mitch asked.

"Hey, Kevin?"

"Yes, Mitch."

"Do you sing?"

"Mostly beatbox, but I can sing. Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to sing with us?" Ashley spoke for Mitch because it was initially her idea anyways.

"Depends on the song, and how we sing it?"

"What do you mean 'how'?"

"If there is background music or no background music?"

"We don't use background music. They call it a cappella? I think?" Mitch said skeptically.

"Yes, very smart, Mitch. What song were you planning on doing?"

"How about Sounds of Love from Rent." Ashley offered, she was trying to keep her eyes from going any shade of red because of how strong Mitch and Jasmine were. "Hey Mitch, can you come here for a second?"

"Yes, Ashley, What do you need?"

"Just wanted to smell you." Ashley put her head down in his neck and took a quick sniff. "Scott, Derek said three months till Mitch's heat right?"

"Yes, he did, why?"

"Can you smell him?" Scott walked over to Mitch and ducked his head into his neck and smelled the all too familiar smell of heat, Scott's eyes flashing red from the smell before he changed them back before looking at Ashley.

"Yeah just pre-heat though. You had him take a suppressant this morning, though, so it should be gone by tomorrow."

"Sorry to crush your guy's hopes but he is to close to his heat for the suppressants to work. I suspect it by tomorrow along with Jasmine." Kevin butted in.

"All Alpha's in the living room, NOW," Ashley stated looking down without making eye contact. "Jasmine go to our room and don't come out until I say so. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Ashley," Jasmine said before walking towards the bedroom.

"Mitch go into Scott's bedroom and don't leave no matter what. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Ashley," Mitch said doing the same thing Jasmine did.

"Kevin don't let the Omega's outside. I'm going to take the other Alpha's outside so if one of the Omega heat breaks they won't come and attack us. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, Ashley, I can."

"Thank you, Kevin," Ashley said before walking down the hallway to where Mitch would be. Finally being able to let her eyes show. But before she walked into Mitch's room she changed her eye's back and braced herself for the worst.

"Hey, Mitch, I have a feeling I know the answer to this, but do you want to share your heat with another Alpha in this Pack?"

Mitch nodded in response afraid if he talked he would loose control of how strong his scent was.

"Ok well, I'm going to go with the Alpha that you gave the counsel. Is that alright with you?"

Mitch nodded he again in response quickly losing his grip on the scent hoping that Ashley would leave soon so he wouldn't let it go. Ashley turned around quickly but before she left she said something to Mitch. "Oh and Mitch don't try to hide your scent I have a lot more control than you think."

Ashley walked to the living room with normal eyes until she reached the other Alpha's seeing their eyes red so her immediate reaction was to let her eyes go red. "Outside now, both of you."

They immediately jumped up and ran outside so that they could change their eyes back to normal. Ashley following them closely behind.

Once all the Alpha's were outside they let their eyes change back to normal. "Scott, Mitch has requested that you take care of him, are you ok with that?"

"I can do that, Ashley."

"Ok thank you. I will talk to you in a minute about that. Avi, you are going to be head of the house for a few days. You are going to make sure things run smoothly. Most important thing is to make sure Kirstie is taking her suppressants, can you do that for me?"

"Yes, Ashley."

"Ok. thank you, Avi. Scott and this applies to you too, Avi if you get your Omega pregnant I expect you to come to me immediately. If it happens on accident, you forget to use protection and you come to me the next day they can just take a pill and they won't get pregnant, but I expect you to be very careful. Do you understand me?" Ashley's eyes had gone completely red by now, still completely able to smell Mitch and Jasmine who were still inside.

A/N: You guys were probably thinking I would hit with some good ole' SMUT but no not yet when it is ready it will be in a private book so you have to follow me to read it.

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