Chapter 24

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  Kevin said grace then everybody started eating.  

Everybody started eating when Todrick got up just as planned and whispered, "Do it tonight. Can we have champagne?" Ashley nodded her head to answer the question. Jasmine had no idea that Todrick said the first part. She did know that he was to ask for champagne. 

Todrick came out two bottles in his hand, "who wants some?"

Everyone raised their hand so Todrick handed one to Kevin and they went around the table filling everyone's glasses. Once everyone had a full glass Kevin and Todrick sat down and hit there glasses together and took a sip before continuing to eat. Once everyone was almost down Jasmine then asked, "How's everyone's relationships going?"

Kevin and Todrick went first, "Well, I asked Kevin to be my boyfriend?"

They laced their fingers together and held up their hands while Kevin said, "I said, 'yes.'"

Then Scott and Mitch went next, "We started dating during the middle of Mitch's heat. Then I marked him early today initially it was on the stomach but he requested that I put it on his neck. So, while we were getting ready I marked him on his neck."

Avi and Kirstin went next, "I was going to ask fir-"

"If you were going to ask me if you could date Kirstie the answer is yes."

"Ok, Well then yes we started dating the day before her heat started so yesterday?" Kirstin nodded her head and smiled really wide just like everybody else was.

"Well I guess that leaves us." Ashley said smiling looking towards Jasmine. Ashley stood up and walked over to where her coat was and pulled out the velvet box and walked back over towards the table.

"Well, I wasn't exactly planning this for tonight but it seems that I have to everybody has something new to share and we don't. Not quite yet anyways. So, Jasmine would you stand please," Jasmine stood smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Jasmine, I realize tonight would be the 7-year anniversary which means we have been seeing each other for quite some time. We are still very young but what I do know is that I love you so, so much and I know that I have eyes only for you. I know you feel the same. Even though I know the surprise is ruined that's ok. I can tell you love me by what you did for me. This is amazing," Ashley got down on one knee and said. "So, Jasmine Dawn French. Will you marry me?"


Ashley stood up and kissed Jasmine while putting her ring on her finger careful of her scars. Jasmine was crying by the time Ashley pulled apart from the kiss. Ashley lifted her hand and wiped the tears off of her face. When they finally came back to reality everybody was clapping their hands. "Well, I guess our special news is that we are engaged!"

Everyone helped clean up except Kirstin and Avi who were upstairs sleeping a little bit. Kevin and Todrick were doing the dishes. While Scott and Mitch cleaned the Kitchen and Ashley and Jasmine were cleaning the dining room. 

Everybody was done cleaning within an hour so they sat down on the couch Todrick sitting on one end with Kevin leaning into him. Scott on the other end with Mitch in his lap and arms around his midsection. Ashley and Jasmine were on the loveseat couch. Jasmine sitting on Ashley's lap. They were all watching TV. At about 8 Avi and Kirstin came downstairs and asked, "Mind if we join you?"

"Depends. Jasmine, when does Kirstin's medicine wear off at?"

"About 9:30."

"Yeah you can join us we were about to watch a movie."

Todrick then spoke up, "We made dessert. Anyone want some?"

"Todrick you didn't? What did you make?"

"We made a brownie trifle dessert. Gluten free."

"God. Count me in."

"There's enough for everyone. Everyone want some?"

Everyone nodded their head so Kevin and Todrick got up and went to get them.

When they came back everyone was so happy that Ashley just had to ask. "Ok, was this setup?"

"The Dinner and dessert and movie was all my idea. The marriage was just a bonus," Jasmine stated looking at Ashley. Ashley had to suppress a laugh from coming out when she looked at Jasmine.

Ashley giggled a little bit. "Jas, you got a lit- wait nevermind let me get it," Ashley said leaning in to kiss Jasmine on the lips sucking a little to get the chocolate off of her lips. "There got it."

"Ok, you guys are way too cute for me. I think I might throw up."

"EWW..." Both Jasmine and Ashley yelled at the same time."

Everybody laughed including them. Once everybody calmed down Ashley said. "I think I will save my dessert for later," Ashley said with a smirk on her face.


"What I didn't say anything? It's not like I told you we were going to use it during play."

"Ok you were right I just assumed because of the smirk on your face and just because of how well I know you."

"You shouldn't just assume things Todrick." 

After Jasmine finished her desert she leaned up to Ashley's ear asking, "Can we watch a movie now, mommy? Even though I know we are not going to make it through."

Ashley then brought talk to the whole group again, "I think I do remember someone saying something about a movie?"

"Yes, you did what did you want to watch?"

"Omega's go ahead choose a movie, please. Don't choose it because of me I'm probably will only last about a half hour down here. I'm not talking about Jasmine as an Omega either."

Kirstin and Mitch got up and choose the movie. Of course, they had to choose a wedding movie.

About 10 minutes into the movie Kevin, Mitch, and Jasmine turned around and started kissing their Alpha. They all started out slow then they got heated. Kirstin and Avi were so into the movie they didn't even notice all the couples around them making out.

Scott and Mitch were the first ones to leave, then Kevin and Todrick and lastly Ashley and Jasmine.

"When Kirstin's heat kicks back in please shut the TV off and don't have sex on the couch. Enough people have had sex on that couch already."

"OK. I don't want to know."

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