Chapter 21

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  As they were walking past them Curtis stopped for a second. "I know you guys stole my Alpha and I plan to get him back." At that Curtis left with the rest of the group.  


Kevin and Todrick left just as Jasmine's mom had come in. Todrick was surprised that all the cars in the garage were the same just different colors. His was gray and Avi's was blue.

Todrick opened the door for Kevin and then went around to the other side and got in himself. 

Jasmine, Ashley, and Jasmine's mom, Tracy, left after Todrick and Kevin went. They went to a simple place, the mall.

The car ride was anything but silent Jasmine and Tracy kept talking all the way there making Ashley feel like a third wheel which made her anything but happy. Once they got there they just went directly for the food court and got food and sat down Ashley getting her food and sitting down leaving Jasmine and Tracy behind without watching them.

When Ashley got to the table she dropped her food on the table and sat down angrily. Jasmine noticed immediately that she was angry which made her tense. Tracy notice her tense up and asked, "What's wrong Jas?"

"Al-Ashley is angry and I don't know why? Wait where is she?"

Tracy looked towards the tables quickly and saw she was sitting down at a table. "She is sitting down at a table she's fine."

"You say she's fine. Well, your not the one who can smell her."

"Your right I can't smell her but you can and I forget that sometimes, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, mom. Just let's try not to make her anymore mad because she is going to lash out eventually today and I really don't want her to hurt you."

"Whoa, whoa wait she hurts you?"

"Yeah sometimes when she has pent up anger she lashes out at everyone. We have a pack now so I'm not her only target and she tries to hold it in as much as possible but it just builds up until she gets into a fight with other Alpha's or an Omega does something really bad then she lets it all out. But there is an upside to it she uses a so-called 'safeword' which will stop her at any time during the process and she has really good aftercare. Let's stop talking about this now I really don't want to get in trouble. ok?" By this time they were almost at the table.

Tracy just nods her head in agreement. They sit down and see Ashley's eyes are almost red so they stay quiet and eat. At one point Jasmine looks up and Ashley's eyes are completely red but she isn't even looking in this direction. Jasmine changes her eyes and elbows her mother which makes her look up and Ashley's eyes are beat red which changes her eyes to blue. Ashley stands up and says, "Let's go were leaving. Bring your food with you if you want we are leaving though, now."

The Omega's stand up and throw their food in the trash and follow Ashley closely behind with their heads down and hands by their side until they get to the car. Ashley dosen't open the door for Jasmine which she always does she just gets in.

Both of the Omega's got in the back of the car and nobody says a word till they get home. Ashley opens the front door and sees Avi she just continues to walk towards the door under the stairs. "Tracy leave when you want. Jasmine, don't come downstairs no matter what. When Todrick gets home tell him I'm downstairs and should come down immediately same with Scott. Avi, I would tell you to come downstairs now but you have an Omega to take care of and if I were you I would go take care of her before she finds me." Ashley said through gritted teeth before slamming the door shut and running down the steps.

Once Ashley is out of the room Avi asked. "Ok, Jasmine can you explain what that was all about?"

"Um... I kind of wish I knew. All I know is what is down there."

"And what is that?" Both Tracy and Avi were interested in what she had to say.

"Omega punishing equipment."

"And why would she go down there with no Omega's and tell the Alpha's to go down there without me for the obvious reason."

"She's angry." Just then Todrick and Kevin walk in.

"Who's angry?"


"Oh. No. Sorry Kevin, I'll have to talk to you in a few minutes."

"Wait. Todrick what is going on?"

"If she gets so angry in a short period of time like for the time period she was out to eat she can have a meltdown. Which makes her hurt herself in many ways. She bites herself and she uses the Omega punishment tools to hurt herself with and one time it took me so long to get to her she actually cut herself."

"Ok, go. It's pretty important," Avi shooed him off to go downstairs.

"Well, I think I'll just go. You guys seem like you guys have your hands full with her." Tracy said grabbing her keys and walking out the door.

Once she was far enough from the door she said. "I hate my mother. She treated Ashley like a third wheel. When I tried to bring her into the conversation my mother just freaked out and looked down at her."

"I'm sorry Jasmine I know you love her."

"I'm fine Avi. Go take care of Kirstie. I'll bring you guys up something in a little bit for food if you haven't had lunch yet. I'm just going to text Scott and Mitch tell them to get home to help Ashley."

"Ok. Thank you Jasmine."

"No problem. Kevin, you can do whatever until Todrick comes out of the basement."

"Do you know what Todrick wants to talk to me about?"

"I do and I know it will make you happy if you say yes. But I'm not going to spoil the surprise for you."

"Ok," Then Kevin walked upstairs and headed inside his bedroom while Jasmine pulled out her cell phone and sent a text to Scott first.

'Scott, how fast can you get home? Ashley is having a meltdown and has ordered me to not to help her Todrick is with her now but needs your help. Get home as fast as you can please.'

Then Jasmine sent a text to Mitch.

'When you guys get home you and I are going to make something for Ashley once she has calmed down. I was thinking of making one of her favorites for supper but could really use your help. I'll tell you how you should act when you get home.'

After she sent the text to Mitch she got a response from Scott.

'We are leaving now we will be about 15 minutes. Thank you for telling me.'

Scott sent the text back to Jasmine and turned around to walk the other way, "Scott what is going on?"

"Ashley is having a meltdown and Todrick is the only one who is helping her Jasmine can't do it she won't let her downstairs. I'm going to run back to the car so we can get there faster do you want me to carry you or do you think you can keep up with me."

"Can I try to keep up with you?"

"Sure." They began running but Mitch quickly lost his breath so Scott continued to run in the process picked up Mitch and put him on his hip. Once they got to the car he opened the door for Mitch and put him on the ground so he could get in then Scott went to the other side of the car and got in and drove off once Mitch and himself were in safely. About 15 minutes later Scott walked in the house and looked towards the couch and saw Jasmine crying but pointed towards the door that Ashley was behind.

Mitch came in and walked to the couch where Jasmine was crying. He pulled her into a hug and tried to calm her down.

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