Chapter 46

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The rest of the day was spent sitting around and watching movies as a pack.

The next day was the first official day of work as a pack and everybody was ready and excited for work before Ashley and Jasmine were. They left the house at 8 in separate cars all following Ashley.

When they got there Ashley brought them all back to her office. "Ok, so the one rule that's mandatory in the council buildings is that you call all people above yourself be called Alpha, Sir, Ma'am whatever it is. I don't like it but I deal with it so you have to, too. Your jobs, Mitch and Kirstin you're in the kitchen every day. Kevin, you will be in the classroom for a few months until you learn certain things then you will be switched into the lab. The rest of the Alpha's will be instructing the Alpha's learning here in some training of strength, agility stuff like that. If you have any questions ask me or Jasmine."

After that, she took everyone to where they would be working she took them outside first. "Todrick, Scott, and Avi this is where you will work." They walked outside to where there were a bunch of Alpha's doing pushups. "OK, everybody look at me please?"

Everybody stopped and stood and looked at Ashley and the rest of her Pack. "Starting today you will have leaders." Ashley paused and she heard a few 'yes's' for the people who were excited. "Those trainers will be my Alpha's from my Pack." Ashley turns towards her Pack for a second and then back to the Alpha's in training. She points to the person as she says their name. "Scott, Todrick, and Avi. You will listen to and follow every one of their orders as if they were me. Understand?"

All the Alpha's in training responded at the same time with 'Yes Ma'am'

"Ok good I will be back out to see how you are doing in a couple of hours. Now, get to work."

Ashley heads back inside with the remains of her Pack, Kevin, Kirstie, Mitch, and Jasmine. They went to the school part of the building which was set up like a college classroom. They walked down to the front of the room so Ashley could speak to everybody. "Ok Beta's this is Kevin I hope all of you will treat him with respect if his Alpha hear's anything bad from any of you, he has the right to hurt and he will tell me and you will no longer be able to go to school here it is a privilege, not a right."

Everyone in the classroom looked afraid which is what Ashley was going for she looked towards the professor and he nodded so Ashley pointed to seat that Kevin could sit they then walked out of the room.

The Omega's were the only one left. "Ok, so Omega's except for Jasmine you will be cleaning cooking things like that around the hospital. So I look at both of your files last night and you are both going to be ok to clean an Omega room. So, what you ae going to do is clean the rooms when they are a mess or someone has been recently discharged. You will also cook for the Beta's in school and the other workers that work her to keep the food in good amounts so we don't run out. You are allowed to roam around the hospital doing your job no one should mess with and if they do I will be there in a flash and if you're matted then your mate will be there just as soon as I would so you don't have to worry. Any questions?" They were in front of an Omega room when they stopped that needed to be organized a little.

Mitch spoke first. "No, As-Alpha."

"Good start here. If you need anything find your Alpha, Jasmine, or me. If you can't seem to find any of them talk to my secretary and she'll page me." At the same time, Ashley was getting paged to the O.R. (Operation Room if you didn't know what that stood for).

Jasmine started giggling, "Alpha, go you just got paged to the O.R. I will handle them and make sure they did it right without going into the room."

"Ok, thank you. I'll be back." Ashley ran off to the O.R. and grabbed the chart she was handed and quickly looked it over. "Is Jeremey on anesthesia?"

"Yes, Alpha and he's about to the Omega under."

Ashley ran off to the Omega's room and saw Jeremy. "JEREMEY! wait."

Jeremy looked up from his prep. "Hey, what's up Alpha?"

"Look." Ashley looked to the supposed 'Omega.' "Change your eyes."

The 'Omega' change her eyes without question and instead of both flashing blue one flashed yellow and the other flashed blue. Her Alpha looked to Ashley shocked. "How did you know?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm only lead Alpha of the hospital with a Masters degree in OBA (Omega, Beta, Alpha). And the first thing done was a blood test which revealed an unidentified Omega/ Beta blood. Do you mind if I call my Omega down to get a real identification?"

The Alpha nodded. "Yes, please, Alpha."

Ashley called Jasmine to come over as soon as possible even if she had to bring the other Omega's with her. 

Jasmine came within 2 minutes of Ashley calling her with Kirstin and Mitch. She instantly got to work asking the Beta/Omega questions. In the end, Jasmine said Omega so that's what Ashley did she changed her to an Omega. 

The following weeks after that were a blur until...

The Alpha's, The Omega's, And The Beta's Where stories live. Discover now