Chapter 11

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Do you mind telling the Beta what the rules are? You seem to know them the best since you have lived with her and the rest of us haven't ."

"Sure." Jasmine turned towards Kevin. "Do you have any questions before I go over the rules?"

"Um... yea. Who is The Alpha?" Scott left by now to make the phone call to the counsel.

"Ashley is The Alpha but she doesn't like to be called Alpha so you can call her by her first time or her last. Do you have any other questions before I jump into the rules?"

"Yea. We use the term 'Alpha' to show that he or she is superior. How do we show it without using the term 'Alpha' or 'ma'am/Sir?'"

"We all got into this pack for a major reason. So at some point, you're going to see her fight badly or raise her voice towards you. After that you will know who is superior. Until that happens just follow her orders to a tee? Got it. Anything else?"

"Um... yea why is Alpha Scott calling the counsel?"

"We were told to call when we got a Beta so we can compare score combined with Beta scores to become the First Pack. Right now we are the Second Pack." Scott said walking back into the living room. "Jasmine, how is Ashley doing? Since I can't smell her and you can."

"She's still asleep, Sir."

"Please don't call me Sir like you wouldn't call Ashley, Alpha."

"Oh, sorry Scott."

"It's fine Jas."

"Ok if I may, why isn't Ashley out here is she is the lead Alpha?"

"Ashley attacked your old Alpha, with teeth, and apparently she has a very bad fall from that." Scott stated briskly.

"Well he deserved it for what he did to me."

"That's only because of what she did to my mother. But she usually always has a very good reason to attack someone, she won't just attack anyone." Jasmine stated;

"Hey Avi, Kirstie why don't you go look around the house, while Jasmine explains the rules to..."

"Kevin," the Beta stated to fill in the gap.

"...Kevin. Mitch go with them so they don't get lost."

"Yes, Sir."

"What was that Mitch?"

"Sorry, sorry I mean't Scott, sorry, please don't punish me." Mitch said so fast that Scott almost didn't even hear him.

"I wont just don't do it, again."

"Um... sorry to interrupt but where are we all going to stay?" Avi asked afraid, almost, to speak up.

"I don't know actually, we will have to ask The Alpha?"

"Actually I know the answer, Scott." Jasmine stated confidently.

"Ok then enlighten us, Jasmine."

"Avi and Kirstin very end of the hallway. Kevin in the next room. Scott and Mitch next room, that room has a bathroom inside of it, and Me and Ashley in the last room closest to the door so that Ashley can protect us, the best."

"Thank you, Jasmine."

"Your welcome, Scott."

Scott patiently waited expectingly for the others to leave, when they didn't he said, "You can go, NOW."

"Oh right, Sorry," they all said Mitch leading them through the kitchen to the hallway towards the rest of the house.

Everyone was gone except for Jasmine, Kevin, and Scott. "Kevin I need to ask you a question before Jasmine goes over the rules. Can I do that?"


"What is your score? It's ok if you don't know."

"I have a perfect score, Sir," Kevin said confidently.

"Ok I have to call the counsel back I suggest you go over the rules now so I don't have to listen to them again, Jasmine." Scott then turned his attention to Kevin, "Oh and Kevin, don't call me Sir please."


Ashley woke up and turned to look at the clock and it said 4:30PM. So, she got up and went into the kitchen to get some water. While she was in the kitchen she saw Scott was on the phone with somebody she would ask later who it was. She walked into the living room quietly knowing Jasmine could smell her.

"Hello," Ashley said once Jasmine stopped talking.

"Hey, Ashley," Kevin said standing up. Jasmine standing up after him to walk towards Ashley.

"Hey Ashley, this is Kevin. Kevin this is Alpha Ashley."

"Hey Kevin," Ashley said putting her hand out to shake Kevin's, "Quick question for you. Can you cook?"

"Very, well yes!"

"Why don't you try your hand at it here?"

"Sure thing, Ashley." Kevin said walking around Ashley and into the kitchen before turning around to face her again, "anything specific?"

"Nope make what ever you want let me know if you need anything." Ashley said looking back to Jasmine now. Ashley leaned down to peck Jasmine's lips, "Hey, baby girl." Jasmine just giggled at the pet name. Scott walked in then, "hey, Scott, who were you on the phone with?"

"The counsel. I need to talk to you." Scott glanced down towards Jasmine to tell Ashley that he meant alone.

"Ok," Ashley bent down to whisper in Jasmine's ear. "Why don't you go help Kevin in the kitchen and if you do good maybe I'll reward you later."

Jasmine nodded and walked into the kitchen to help Kevin.

"What did you need, Scott?" Ashley said walking towards the couch to sit down next to Scott.

"I wanted to tell you a couple of things actually. I wanted to tell you Jasmine call me by name and not Alpha or Sir."

"Thanks, Scott, I need to know that."

"But I was going to tell her that she didn't have to call me Alpha or Sir if she didn't want to."

"So... Do you want me to strike her on it or not?"

"No, I don't want you, too."

"Ok then I won't. What else did you need?"

"I also want to know why?"

"Why, what?"

"Why did you attack that other Alpha?"

"I just snapped after he tried to attack me I also snapped at Avi for calling me Alpha for the third time today. Speaking of which where are Avi, Kirstie, and Mitch?"

"Bedrooms I think?"

"Are you done?"


"Ok then I'm going to go find them, then." Ashley said then got up and walked to the kitchen quickly to whisper to Jasmine, "expect a minor punishment tonight, baby girl." Ashley lightly bit on her ear lob and walked away. Then walked towards the bedrooms.

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