Chapter 42

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"Ok, Alpha." Ashley changed her eyes while she pinched Jasmine slightly making her eyes change also before leaning in for a sweet kiss that lasted a few minutes but neither cared.

After Jasmine stood up and Ashley followed and picked Jasmine up and placed her on her hip and walked towards the door and went to go downstairs but when she opened the door Tracy and Mike came up to Jasmine. They stopped before they could reach seeing as Ashley had her eyes red. Mike spoke before anyone else. "Ashley, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just wanted you to know that I am lead. Wanted you to know who's boss now that my parents aren't here."

Ashley walked through them and downstairs with Jasmine still on her hip she walked into the dining room where everyone was. Everyone turned towards Ashley expectingly but when they saw her eyes their own eyes changed color before they said anything. Jasmine whispered in her ear, "no one is going to talk unless you change your eyes, Alpha."

"Good. Change your eyes back. It was to see who thought of me in a higher ranking." Ashley changed her eyes back as she was speaking. Ashley got Jasmine some food and set her on her own feet.

Ashley walked away for a second to clear her head. When she walked back into the kitchen she saw Jasmine talking to Lauren and Lindsay. Ashley walked up to Jasmine and bent down to whisper in her ear. "I need to shift when everyone is gone come play with me please?" 

Did I mention that everyone with more than 50% animal in them could shift to being a wolf and shift back to human when ever they want?

Jasmine nodded and responded with a 'yes, Ashley.' Ashley had walked off to see Scott who was talking with Avi and Kirstin. "Hey Scott, I'm putting you in charge. I just need to shift for awhile."

Scott responded with an 'OK' while Kirstin was looking a little hopefully because she hasen't been able to shift for a long time. "if it's OK with your Alpha you can shift when were outside just give me 5 minutes to myself after I shift."

Ashley walked upstairs then to see Kevin and Todrick to see if they want to shift which they both wanted to so Ashley told Todrick and Kevin to come out after 5 minutes. Ashley walked outside and behind the house and shifted and ran around in the woods for five minutes until going back towards the house for the rest of her Pack.

Todrick, Kevin, Kirstin and Avi were outside when Ashley came back everyone shifted except for Avi who walked back inside the house. 'You guys take a long time to shift.' Ashley thought before she realized that her entire Pack can hear her thoughts and she can hear theirs.

'That was a little rude don't you think. We're not all almost all animal' Todrick thought back to Ashley.

'Shit, sorry I forgot about that.'

Todrick, Kevin, and Kirstin had finished shifting so Ashley told them they could go have fun while Ashley went back to her spot that only Jasmine knew about and laid down waiting  for Jasmine. 

Once Lauren, Lindsay, Mike and Tracy left Scott, Avi, and Jasmine went outside Avi shifted and went off to find Kirstin. "Jasmine you want me to go find Ashley for you?"

"Um... no you won't be able to find her she's in a hidden area. I know where she is I'll shift once you go."

"You can shift? I'm not shifting without Mitch and he can't shift."

"Not naturally I can't. If you want to shift I can force a shift on Mitch exactly the same way I shift?"

"That would be nice. Can you please?"

"Yeah, go get him."

Scott ran off and got him while Jasmine prepped herself because it takes her 5 minutes to have a complete shift. Scott came back with Mitch after she gave herself a dose. "Hey, Mitch. So, the rules of this is it only last 24 hours but you have freedom to shift back and fourth between wolf form and human form. But, the first shift back will be different you will be naked after that you will be clothed. Got it?"

Mitch nodded while saying 'yes.' Jasmine gave him the shot. But was thrown back a little by how fast he shifted she just let the needle fall out of his arm before she took it back. This process took almost 5 minutes so Jasmine ran out to where she couldn't be seen by anybody and shifted than ran as fast as she could to find Ashley.

Jasmine jumped over Ashley when she finally got there Ashley noticing once she was jumped over. "Hi, Alpha. I made sure everybody shifted safely before coming."

"Thank you, Jasmine. Play now please?"

Jasmine leaned her head down so her tail and ass where up. Ashley did the same thing and they pounced on each other at the same time making them both laugh they did this for an hour before they laid down. "I love you, Alpha."

"I love you, too, Jasmine. You know the vacation this year was planned around rut season?"

"Who's rut exactly?"

"All the Alpha's of the Pack. Our rut's all happen at the same time."

"Lucky us."

"I know."



"Can we try again before our honeymoon? It's OK if you don't want to I was just asking."

"No, it's absolutely OK that you asked. I wouldn't mind I just didn't want you to feel rushed. Like I was pressuring you or something."

"No, Alpha. Your not. Can I kiss you?" (Believe it or not wolves can kiss/make out I've seen it in irl before.)

"Absolutely, Omega. Come here." 

Jasmine kissed Ashley that quickly turned into a make out session. Ashley and Jasmine stopped for a moment to shift back to human form where. Once both where back to human Ashley had Jasmine in a make out session again.

Ashley climbed on top of Jasmine without breaking the kiss. Just as Ashley deepened the kiss she sensed fighting so she broke the kiss. "Just fucking great. Change back we have a fight to deal with."

Ashley got off of Jasmine and shifted followed by Jasmine they stood and ran towards the fight. It was Avi and Todrick. Ashley saw it and growled very loudly making both Alpha's stop.

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