Chapter 41

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After Ashley started crying into Scott the rest of her Pack formed around her rubbing her back. "Your, alright Ashley. You can always get her pregnant again. You guys will get through this."

Ashley just shook her head. "No, you guys don't understand. It took me forever to get her pregnant."

Mark stayed over next to Jasmine while Ashley was talking with her pack. When Jasmine became conscious again Ashley noticed immediately and broke free from Scott's grip and knelt down next to Jasmine and set her hand on her arm and rubbed it trying to wake her up.

Mark bent down to be next to Ashley and rubbed her back. Jasmine began groaning signaling that she was awake. "It's ok, baby, I'm right here."

Jasmine sat up and crawled over to Ashley and put her head in her neck. Ashley looked up to her Pack silently asking them to leave. "H-how long was I out for?"

"About 15 minutes. Which means um... that you- we aren't expecting any longer. I'm so sorry."

Jasmine pulled out of Ashley's hold and ran upstairs to her room. Ashley sat there shocked that Jasmine just pulled out of her grip. Mark bent down next to Ashley and began rubbing her back until Ashley turned into her dad's chest and began crying.

Mark let her cry into his chest and waited until she calmed down before talking to her. "Ashley, I may not support who you are with but you do have a strong Pack. I also know that you can make it back from this. I can tell how much you love Jasmine so I grant you permission to keep this Pack the way it is."

"T-thanks, d-dad. I love you so much."

"Your welc- wait what did you call me?"


Mark pulled Ashley to stand up and hug her right. "Thank you. You don't know who much that means to me."

"Your welcome. I've always thought of you as higher than me. You just lost that title when you started hitting me and calling me names just because I like females instead of men. You just had to earn it back."

"Thank you. I think you should reschedule the Pack Family Gathering."

"That is what I thought," Ashley walked downstairs with Mark following behind her. Once Ashley reached the bottom of the stairs Mark walked around her to stand with his pack before Ashley spoke.

"My Pack upstairs to your room, please don't come out until further notice."

They all responded with a, "Yes, Alpha," as they walked past Ashley, who was still standing on the steps. Once up to the next floor Ashley spoke again.

"Lauran, Lindsay. Go straight upstairs to the third floor 1st door on your left. Knock before entering, please." They responded with the same thing as the pack members did and ran upstairs. "My family, go home I'll talk to you when I talk to you again." As they left they responded with another 'yes Alpha' which made Ashley smile.

"Tracy and Mike, go upstairs 4th floor calm Jasmine down I'll be up in a few and if you hurt her more than she already is I'm gonna have to kill you." Ashley growled the last part.

"Todrick's family, Mitch's family, Kirstin's family, and Avi's family I'm sorry but today was not our day we are going to have to reschedule for sometime in the next couple of weeks. I'll be in contact. Thanks for coming. Feel free to grab some food on the way out if you wish it's all gluten free so you are aware."

All the Pack's nodded and left some took food and some didn't but the minute everyone was out Ashley walked over and locked the door before going upstairs to the bedrooms. She knocked on Scott and Mitch's door first. "You guys can go downstairs and get food if you're hungry and I sent Mitch's parents home."

Ashley did that with everybody before walking upstairs to her own room. Ashley walked into her room to find Mike and Tracy standing by the doorway. "Where is she?"

"We don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know you're her mother you should be able to smell her stronger than me." Ashley walked farther into the room and picked up her scent and walked towards it.

This lead Ashley to walking towards the bathroom. Ashley walked in to find Jasmine on the floor weak, crying, and in pain. Ashley looked around the room and saw a blade laying on the floor a portion of it covered in blood.

Ashley picked Jasmine up off the floor and carried her to their bed and set her down. Tracy came running over and holding her hand while Ashley ran back to the bathroom to grab a wet cloth.

Ashley came over and began dabbing on the cuts on her legs. Jasmine shows no emotion on her face she had dried tears left on her face from crying so much. Once Ashley was done cleaning her wounds she looked towards Tracy and Mike, who was rubbing her back to keep her calm, before speaking.

"Do you guys mind if I speak to my Omega alone for a few minutes, please."

They nodded their heads and left without a word. Ashley laid down next to Jasmine on the bed and looked towards her with sympathetic eyes. "Why? Why did you cut yourself?"

Jasmine looked towards Ashley just as tears began to fill her eyes again. Ashley sat up and pulled Jasmine into her lap and began to comfort her as she cried. "I-I'm sorry."

"Shh, it's ok, baby, I'm not mad at you."

Jasmine took her head out of Ashley's neck and looked into Ashley's eyes. "I love you, Alpha. What are we going to do? Am I going to be able to get pregnant again?"

"I love you, too, Omega. What were gonna do is get you some food now and get over this bump in our road and on our honeymoon we can try again if you want?"

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