Chapter 13

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"Ok. thank you, Avi. Scott and this applies to you too, Avi if you get your Omega pregnant I expect you to come to me immediately. If it happens on accident, you forget to use protection and you come to me the next day they can just take a pill and they won't get pregnant, but I expect you to be very careful. Do you understand me?" Ashley's eyes had gone completely red by now, still completely able to smell Mitch and Jasmine who were still inside. 

Both of the Alpha's shook their heads frantically.

"Good now go back inside, Scott doesn't go to Mitch let him come to you and he will eat inside the room. When his heat comes on full lock your door he will automatically go to the strongest Alpha he can find and if you not present he is going to try to find me. Got it?"

"Yes, Ashley."

"Try to ignore the smell and control your eyes."

"Will try, Ashley." Scott and Avi said one after the other.

"You will do more than try, you will do." They walked back into the house Scott and Avi staying in the living room and Ashley walking into the kitchen to ask Kevin a question.

"Hey Kevin, can you do me a favor?"

"Yes I can, Ashley, what do you need?"

"Two things actually, can you prepare two plates for the Omega's in the bedrooms and two more for me and Scott so we can bring them into the bedroom?"

"I can do that, what was the other thing?"

"Give Avi his phone back tomorrow after you eat supper?" Ashley said pulling Avi's phone out of her back pocket and handing it to Kevin.

"Yes, Ashley, I will do that for you. Here you go for the Omega's and you and Scott." Kevin said setting down the final plate of food on the counter.

Just in time for Mitch, he came running towards, Ashley whimpering saying, "help me Alpha it hurts really bad."

Ashley pushed him against the counter holding his wrist against the counter so that Mitch couldn't touch her. Ashley turned her head towards the living and yelled, "SCOTT GET IN HERE NOW."

Scott came running in and immediately knew what he had to do. He took Mitch's wrist and turned him around and walked towards the bedroom that they were assigned to, but before they were completely gone Ashley yelled, "Dinner will be outside your door for you when you are done I expect you to eat it all."

Scott yelled a quick, "Ok," before he entered the room closing and locking the door behind him before he was attacked by a pleading, Mitch.

Meanwhile, Jasmine was contemplating leaving the room to find Ashley because it hurt so bad.

Ashley was about to run to her room to take care of Jasmine. When Avi walked into the kitchen he could barely control himself, "Ashley, how come Jasmine isn't out here yet if her full heat is on now?

"I trained her to wait until I'm ready and I'm not yet," Ashley said and then turned towards Kevin, "Hey, Kevin can I see your phone for a second?"

"Sure, Ashley, may I ask why?"

"I'm putting mine and Jasmine's phone number in. If you need me for anything while Jasmine is in heat text or call Jasmine's number. I'm leaving my phone out here if anyone calls which would only be one of my friends, counsel, or the police station. Just take a message and tell them I will call them back later unless it's urgent then text and or call Jasmine's phone got it? The numbers will also be programmed into Avi's and Scott's phones. I don't believe the other Omegas have phones."

"Yeah, but why does Jasmine have a phone?"

"Her mother wanted to keep contact with her but where she hates me she didn't want to have to talk to me every time she wanted to talk to Jasmine. So she got her a phone. I'll be back."

Ashley walked towards Scott and Mitch's room and left food outside the room then walked to her and jasmine's room in time to see Jasmine coming out. "Did I tell you to come out, Jasmine?"

"No, Alpha, sorry," Jasmine said turning around and going back into her room Ashley following behind her. "Here EAT then I will take care of you." Ashley turned around and saw that jasmine was in her Omega position with her blue eyes. "Get out of your Omega position NOW."

Jasmine sat Indian style on the bed and waited for Ashley.

Ashley turned around and looked at her, "I know it hurts, baby, but eat and then I will take care of you. I'll be back." Ashley went to her desk and grabbed her phone and Jasmine's and walked out and back to the kitchen.

"Hey, Ashley wasn't sure you were going to come back we started eating already, sorry."

"That's fine, Kevin." Ashley turned Jasmine's phone on to see that she had a text from her mother and it said:

Hey, Jasmine can we meet up again sometime soon?

Ashley decided to send a text back.

Hey, mom, I would love to do that but I just started my Heat how about after that is over. We can meet here or at some place whichever you prefer.

She texted back as soon as she got it.

How about I pick you up at the house that way I don't have to talk to Ashley as much.

Ashley sent another text to Jasmine's Mother.

Why don't you try to be friends with Ashley again you guys use to get along so well and besides I think she might propose soon and whether or not you like it she's going to say yes. Oh, and by the way this is Ashley. :)

Ashley was sure Jasmine's mother was going to be mad but she was exactly the opposite.

Ashley, are you serious? Do you really love her?

Without thinking, Ashley wrote a quick response.

I love her so much I marked her yesterday. And we have been dating for a lot longer than you think. Look I have to go speak to another Alpha and take care of Jasmine after. Bye.

A/N: Sorry, it took me a lot longer than I expected to get this update up but I just graduated from Middle School so I have been very busy but next week's update will be up on time I promise. Not my picture on the media box.

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