Chapter 39

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A/N: The majority of events in this chapter are false but then again this is fiction, so?

Rick nodded his head unable to speak and Ashley let him go and he walked towards his car and getting in. Scott was still standing up against the wall. "Ashley, help me, please. My back is locked again."

Ashley turned around and saw her entire Pack staring at her and the families. Ashley ran into the house and upstairs into her office to grab the shot and back outside to give Scott the shot. "Better?"

"Yes, thank you."

Todrick stepped up front then ran towards his parents as they drove up into the driveway. "Are we just going to stand here and watch my every move or are we going to go back into the house?"

"Ashley, you have shots stored at your house? You know that's against the rules."

"Dad, it's not against the rules if a member of you Pack needs it in an emergency. That was a scoliosis shot I also have a panic attack inhaler are you going to call me in?"

"Well, no not if you really need them."

"Good. Everyone inside, please."

As everyone walked inside Kevin's Parents showed up so Ashley waited outside for them. Kevin's dad spoke up. "Hello, are you the lead?"

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"We just wanted to say thank you for saving Kevin he was very excited to be in a new Pack."

"Well, technically he wasn't in an actual Pack. He can only be registered to a specific Pack, mine. But your welcome. Why don't we go inside?"

His parents nodded so they walked inside the house to see the Omega's setting out the food. "Kevin, your parents are here."

Kevin came over followed by Todrick to greet his parents while Ashley walked away to go find her brother. She walked into the kitchen to find Jasmine and her brother talking she walked up behind Jasmine and put her hand on her back making her jump a little but relax once she knew who it was. "Do you need something, Alpha?"

"No, I was just trying to find my brother I don't trust him all that much," Ashley said glaring over towards her brother.

"OK, when are we allowed to eat? I'm hungry."

Ashley looked over at the clock seeing it was 11:30. "Well we were planning for 12 to start eating but if you're hungry we can eat now if you want."

Ashley walked away for a second after telling Jasmine to go over to the food. She walked into the living room where everyone was standing. "Can I get everyone's attention. We are going to start eating now. Feel free to sit wherever with your families."

Ashley walked back to the food and grabbed a plate for Jasmine giving her some food to eat with her parents. Scott walked over to find Ashley seeing she was talking to one of her sisters. "As- Alpha, can I talk to you for a second?"

Ashley excused herself and walked to a private area of the house. "What do you need, Scott?"

"Do you know if my sisters are coming?"

"Oh shit yes they are coming I totally forgot about them, sorry. Do you want to wait outside for them to come?"

"That would be nice. Can I?"

"Sure," Scott walked outside with Ashley following behind them to find Kevin and Todrick with Kevin's parents and siblings. Scott ignored what they were talking about and called his sister, Lauren. 

Ashley was listening to what they were talking about. "Um... Mom and Dad. I need to tell you something. I'm um..." Todrick was standing behind him rubbing his back to comfort him.

Todrick bent down and whispered, "You can do it Kev," into his ear.

Kevin took a deep breath before he said. "I'm gay."

Kevin's dad was the first to speak, "This better be a joke, Kevin."

"I'm sorry, dad it's not."

"That's not how I raised you," Kevin's dad pulled him away from Todrick's grip and threw him up against the wall. Todrick immediately reacted and pulled his dad away from him which was unsuccessful because he just shoved Todrick to the ground.

Ashley looked over to Scott "Take your sisters inside and stay out of this, please."

Ashley stood and walked over to the scene. She helped Todrick up off the ground and this time, Ashley pulled Kevin's dad off of Kevin he had a fist in the air and was ready to throw it at Kevin but it landed on Ashley instead making her eyes go red. "You should not have done that." Ashley shoved his dad up against the wall hard. Ashley put her hand on his throat as a threat. "Last time someone hurt a member of my pack for the same reason you did today they died a slow and horrible death. I don't think you want to meet him. So, you either accept the way Kevin is or you can leave because this house is full of those kinds of people including me. So, which is it?"

Ashley lifted her hand to let him speak. "We'll be leaving. Kevin's coming with us."

Ashley put her hand back on his throat before speaking again. "You. Will. Do. No. Such. Thing. He. Stays. He. Needs. This. Pack. And. We. Need. Him." Ashley was slowly losing her grip on controlling her anger. Her hand was tighting around his throat until Someone said something.

"Ashley, let him go." It was Jasmine. Ashley let go.

She turned around and ran into the house and went downstairs as fast as possible Clarrisa saw her and followed behind Ashley quietly and saw Ashley grab her strongest flogger.

After Kevin's dad was let go he caught his breath and walked to his car followed by his wife. Kevin's siblings stayed but didn't say anything until there dad was out of the parking lot.

"Kevin, are you ok?"

Kevin was overly rude because he was in a lot of pain. "Oh, why do you care. You've never liked me."

Todrick was quick to respond, "Kevin, stop that." Todrick turned his attention to everybody who was outside with them now. "Can everybody go inside please. Jasmine, stay here please."

Everybody went inside to go find out what happened from Ashley but nobody could find her or Clarrisa.

Once everybody was inside except for Jasmine, Todrick, and Kevin. Todrick spoke again. "Are you ok, Kevin?"

Kevin shook his head 'no' and started silently crying. "What hurts, Kevin? Talk to me please."

"M-my arms where the shots I gave myself use to be."

Todrick was confused about this but Jasmine wasn't so she filled Todrick in. "He had an awful home life which made him revert to doing drugs he would give himself shots in the upper arms near the shoulder to ease his pain we were slowly working on taking him off of them but this may have just sent him back to the start."

"Ok, well we need to get him out of pain this is hurting me."

"I can't do this out here I need to be in Ashley's office which is locked and she is the only one with the keys."

"Tell me what I need to do."

"Stay here. I'll just go grab Mark and he'll tell us what we need to do."

Jasmine ran inside and found Mark. "Jasmine, do you know where Ashley is?"

Jasmine went wide eyed for a second then ran to the basement door and opened it and everyone waited in silence until they heard the crack of the flogger hit something. "Don't come downstairs I'll be back."

Jasmine ran downstairs and saw Clarissa just standing there in amazement of what Ashley was doing. Jasmine tapped Clarissa on the shoulder and whispered into her ear. "Pinch me to my eyes blue then go upstairs, please. Trust me, please."

Clarissa nodded and pinched her and ran upstairs while Jasmine walked in front of Ashley and dropped into her Omega Position.

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