Chapter 35

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The next day everybody was up and out the door by 8 and on their way to Medical Council Building for Todrick and Kirstin.

"So, I think Kirstin should go first just because I don't want her to be scared of what she has to go through which she won't even remember anyways. Does that sound good?"

"I'm good with that Ashley."

"Ok, so this is not just an assigning room. I will have to be in the room with you so you are not alone. Are you ready?"

"I guess as good as I'll be."

By now they had parked in the parking lot and were about to go into the building. "OK, so Jasmine will be doing most of this. Kirstin will go first I suggest Avi you be there for her when she wakes up. Todrick, I wouldn't torment yourself so if I were you I wouldn't watch Kirstin. Everybody else wait in my office I should only be 30 minutes then there are a few things we need to disgust as a Pack. Everybody ready for the craziness that is my life?"

Everybody nodded and they walked into the building behind Ashley. Jasmine taking Kirstin's hand and leading her to the assignment room. "OK, Kirstie you have no reason to be scared. I'm going to give you a quick injection of anesthesia like stuff but it will still allow you to stand. You won't remember any of what is about to happen. Your body is going to act natural you will have no idea what you are doing once Ashley walks into the room she will change her eyes and your body will natural go and stand in front of her a device will then come down from the ceiling it will take the shading from her eyes and put it into your eyes. Ashley will leave immediately after the shadeing from her eyes is done. Do you understand everything that is about to happen to you?"

"I believe so? I really don't understand what is about to happen?"

"I know it's confusing but I do have to say that to you  and it would be a lot quicker if you just agree to this because it has to be done for your protection."

"Ok, well I guess I understand."

"The Minute you are done Ashley or Avi will come in and you will be brought to an Omega room and will be then brought back from the anesthesia and will be tested until your back to normal. This entire time should only take about 15 minutes and in your case Ashley and Avi will be there through all of it making sure you recover. Now would be a good time to tell me if you know if you are allergic to anything?"

"Not that I know of."

"OK, are you ready?"

"I guess so."

Jasmine grabbed the injection and gave it to her just as Avi showed up. "Good. You're just in time I'll give you a head nod and you just open the door and she'll just walk right in."

Jasmine walked over to the operation board and selected Omega and gave a nod to Avi. Kirstin walked right in just as Ashley bursted in to tell Jasmine something major. "Jasmine don't put Kirstin in an Omega room she needs something higher."

"WHAT," Jasmine hit the stop room and opened the door to the room. "Avi, go get her please."

Ashley ran over to her and Avi when they came out. She changed her eyes making Kirstin change her eyes. Ashley looked then into her eyes for a few seconds before she whimpered and got out of  Avi's grip and ran into Jasmine's arm and said, "Too many Alpha's Jas help please," Ashley walked up to her and lifted her shirt just a little while Jasmine was holding her and gave her a quick cocktail of reversal stuff to hold off her heat for a few hours. Once she was back to normal she  realised she was being held by Jasmine. "What happened?"

"Next time before you go into an assignment room you might want to inform someone that you need a high ranked room."

"What? Oh wait I forgot that I'm like 60% human and 40% animal. I totally forgot I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, well next time don't forget. I just out you in serious danger Kirstie and it could cost me Kirstie."

Avi looked at Ashley like 'do something before she hurts her' and Ashley just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm so, so sorry. I-I don't know how to say how sorry I am Jasmine."

Kirstin had broken down in tears and Avi immediately grabbed her from Jasmine's arms. "Jasmine. How can you be so insensitive with this she probably was told years ago and she didn't remember don't blame this on her. And Ashley how come you didn't stop her?"

"I can't stop her. This is her job I don't tell her what she can and can't do at her job and she can't tell me what to do at my job. I let her speak freely here these are her patients not mine and I don't always have to agree with her. But one thing I can't and won't do is punish her for speaking freely in *her* office."

"I'm sorry Kirstie I didn't mean it so rude. I just don't want to hurt other people espically other people that are in my Pack. I'm sorry. I'll get one of my other people to do it if you don't want me to do it."

"Jas, I forgive you I know this is one of your favorite things to do you never seem to stop talking about since Ashley told you that you had to do the Pack assigning and I still want you to do it. Just can someone tell me what my consequence is for not telling you something that important."

"Your punishment really isn't a consequence. It will get you time alone with your Alpha for the rest of the day. When the meds where off your heat will kick in but don't worry it shouldn't be as bad as mine was. Mine was about 3 normal heats all at once to make up for the ones that I will miss while I'm pregnant. You ready to try this again?"


"OK, Ashley may I look at her file so that I know which room she can be put in?"

Ashley handed Kirstin's file over. "You know my rules about looking at a file."

"Yes, Ashley I'll only look at the anatomy. OK, Kirstin you have a choice even though you won't remember anything. Do you want a Beta, Alpha, or an adjusted Omega room?"

"Whichever one is ok with you."

"OK, adjusted Omega room it is. Ashley could you give Kirstie the anesthesia while I call in my adjuster to adjust the room, please."

Ashley nodded and pulled out the injection while Jasmine called another Omega, Tyler, to adjust the room. "Hey Tyler, Omega 60% human, please."

Jasmine spoke quickly and answering all of his questions before he even asked them.

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