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Ok so hi guys! Remember when I promised to do a bellarke one shots book? Well it's finally here! I may not have written these but if I didn't I will give credit! Thanks ALIEN56 telling me to do this awhile back!
This is by: That_Ginger_004
Archive of our own
The early morning sun filtered in through the canvas wall of the tent, illuminating it's two occupants with a hazy yellowish light. Clarke Griffin groans, and presses her face deeper into Bellamy Blake's bare chest, hiding away from the light. She feels his chest vibrate as he chuckles.

"What's the matter, Princess?" he teases. "is it too early for you?"

Clarke mumbles something illegible in response, and sits up, blinking blearily.

"I should go back to my tent before someone finds us," she mutters.

"Or," Bellamy smirks, pulling her back down, "You could stay here,"

She yawns, and he drops a kiss to the top of her head.

"Please?" he breathes.

"Mmm 'kay." she mumbles, settling back down and into his side.

He smiles softly in triumph, and closes his eyes. She'll be annoyed at him later when everyone knows, but he's tired of hiding. He's sick of sneaking around in secret, and sneaking out of her tent in the morning. He wants everyone to know that she's his, especially Finn. They crashed in his tent late last night, as it was closer than hers. He thinks, for a second, about how cautious they've been to not get caught, and how it's all going to go down the drain.

Bellamy hears Clarke's breathing settle into an even pattern and relaxes slightly. He's always been a morning person himself, which probably stems from looking after Octavia in the mornings. He's been grateful for it recently, because it meant that he had no problem leaving Clarke's tent in the early mornings. Now, however, they won't have to sneak around. He's happy, with his arm around Clarke, and with her body pressed against his. She stole one of his older t-shirts to sleep in, and he can feel her warmth beneath the thin cotton of it.

He thinks about how he used to only care about Octavia, and how he wasn't aware that he loved Clarke until she was gone, captured by the mountain men. Now, he's never going to let her go again. He thinks about how he loves the early mornings, when they would sneak kisses, and just lie together in bed. He would pretend that they were normal teenagers at those times, instead of fugitives being sent to their death.

He isn't sure how long he lies there with Clarke sleeping in his arms. It could be minutes, or hours, or possibly days. Here, in the early mornings when the camp is halfway between awake and asleep are a gift to him, and he treasures them. He loves how still they are, with the sound of birds chirping and the trees swaying in the breeze. This is his favourite time of day, the dawn, it always has been, and he's so glad that he finally has someone to share it with.

He lies there until he hears the camp start to come to life around him, the sound of the guards switching over, and a few patrols leaving. He know's that they should get up, but he can't bring himself to move. So he keeps lying there, until he feels Clarke begin to wake up.

"Morning, Princess," he murmurs, stroking her hair away from her face.

She looks at him blankly for a second.

"Bell? What're you doing here?" she eventually asks. "It's morning, everyone's up, they're gonna find out!"

"I know," he says, smiling softly. "And this is my tent,"

She stares at him, confusion visible in her eyes.

"Everyone's gonna find out," she repeats.

"I know, and I'm sick of hiding you. I'm sick of hiding us. I don't want to see Finn flirting with you anymore, and I don't want to keep brushing off people. I don't wanna hide anymore, Clarke," he blurts.

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